Hi so recently my horse had a cough and when I was riding her she was coughing and finding it hard to breath. I went to the vets and they gave me oral powder to put in her feed for a couple of days to help it however it didn’t work. Then we injected her every day with pen and strep for a week and it cleared the cough up. The vet told told us to soak her hay as well.we have been soaking her hay since and I have rode her twice since and no signs of coughing or difficult breathing and seems a lot happier and energetic. Now it’s a week or two later after her cough cleared up and suddenly she had starting coughing a few times again should I be worried? I intially thought it could be copd / heaves the first time round however the vet said it was unlikely. is there a chance it could be or what else could it be? Should I be worried? I was thinking of putting her on a coughing or airway supplement or do you have any other advice?
She is a 18 year old thoroughbred mare if this is any help. Thx xx
She is a 18 year old thoroughbred mare if this is any help. Thx xx