Well-Known Member
Hi has anyone found that if restricted everything they horses hold on to their weight and are rather lethargic? My pony is normally muzzled and now with ground being soft he keeps pulling grass with roots and his muzzle is caked with soil so is his mouth so I decided to take muzzle off last week and he does look better than ever plus he isn’t lethargic. Yes he does come sleepy but ridden he has more energy and overall seems happier in himself. He does come in overnight to soaked hay and has small breakfast to give supplements. He’s ridden 5-6 times per week mixing schooling, jumping, poles, hacking and groundwork. I have limited his time outside 3 days (6 hours) and 4 days when I’m at work he’s out for 8 hours. Winter field he’s in had been grazed down and it’s not much in it. He will be strictly muzzled in spring though. He isn’t metabolic he’s just extremely good doer.