Horse doesn't like hi-fi


Well-Known Member
12 January 2015
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My horse is turning into a cat I'm sure!

I get them Hi-Fi lite just to have a handful with a vits and mins supplement - Sky doesn't like it. So, I give him the benefit of the doubt, read a few things on here where horses aren't a fan and to try the molasses free instead... so I go get a bag of that (luckily my other horse will eat anything I give him) and he doesn't like that either!!

He used to have AlfaA Oil back when he was living in and having breakfast and tea (they've been living out for the last 5 months - came in last week)

Do I go back to the AlfaA oil? Do I stick with it and just hope that he starts eating it? Do I just give him the supp by itself? (it's in pelleted form)

He is SO picky, but I didn't expect him to be picky about a bit of bloomin' chaff!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2007
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Robin used to eat hifi molasses free. Then he had a winter of spillers conditioning fiber after he came in at night then was turned out again. I tried the molasses free in the spring again and he wouldn’t touch it. I spent months carefully making feed then chucking it away. Gave in, back to spillers and a happy horse again!

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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I have the worlds fussiest fat cob! Grass pellets are a hit in winter at least, and she likes pink mash in winter but not in summer. I'd feed the supplement on its own, and if he wont eat it then try some grass nuts though.