Horse history


New User
13 January 2012
Bexley, Kent
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Hi everyone,
Very new on here but just hoped that I might find someone who could help me.
So basically I've owned my horse since May last year and in his passport there is no record of breeding or anything like that but I just what to find out what breed he actually is because he looks like a big mush of differents breeds to me. He came over from Ireland about a week before I bought him and dealer said basically they only got him a passport because it's law. I googled his passport name which is Crillea Hughie and not much came up but there was a racing sales website that had horses on it from Crillea Farm. I was just wondering if anyone had heard of it or knows anything about the stud eg how to contact them/where it is. If anyone could help me at all it would really be appriciated :).
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
30 June 2009
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If he's got a white passport it should have the name and address of who the passport was issued to. I had the same, except mine didn't even have a name registered, just a number poor soul! I wrote a letter to the person listed in the passport, explaining that I'd bought the horse and was looking for information. The guy turned out to be his breeder and phoned me and gave me all the details. Whilst I'll probably never bother getting him properly registered, it was facinating finding out what his background was, in his case skewbald ISH crossed with bay connemara jumping stallion!

You might not get an answer but you've got nothing to lose other than the price of a stamp.


New User
13 January 2012
Bexley, Kent
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Yer he has a white one :). I'm going to write to the adress in the passport but the adress is the holding yard that the dealer I got him off has in Ireland but i'm going to try and contact them for an adress to find his breeder