They came out with us at the end of last season. I was really, really nice to the reporter all day, but I still didn't get my picture in H&H Be ready to have twice your normal field size out....
They did take thousands of photos though and I keep meaning to send off for a nice one of us landing over a stone wall.
The opening meet is always packed every year let alone with H&H coming - im really excited for our hunt to be getting some publicity!!
Pics should be good too (will make good Christmas prezzies) do they have a website? Hope I dont grimace or gurn over any fences!!! Will take lots of pics at the meet! Better get Dad to give my already sparkling boots an extra polish too!
I haven't even got my horse clipped yet and it's just a tad too far away to hack to (at least if I expect her to be out all day too) - argh! If I can blag a space in a box and half inch some clippers I'll be there.
Sounds like it will be a crazy day - I'll definitely be coming on foot if not on horseback. I'm usually a South Shrops but I expect I won't be the only one muscling in for the day!
Mmmm, I was going to say expect a huge field. They came out with us last year and we had masses of people out and when the write up was in H&H the pictures were mainly of people who had never been out with us before and haven't been seen since! Be sure to have a great day anyway