Horse Hunting has started


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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Big D and I started horse hunting today. We started off at a local dealers yard. They had 5 on their website that sounded possibles, after chatting to the dealer narrowed it down to 4 - 2 x 16.1/16/2 ID types and 2 x 15.2 irish cobs.

Visited this morning, one ID (the one we liked most) has now had a deposit put down on her, second ID looked very nice but had a large crack up her hoof - yes may grow out but would not be covered by insurance and I wouldnt fancy waiting 6 months to a year to find out so passed this one over.

Cobs - one was stunning but a very petite, lighweight cob with withers so actualy would ride much smaller, I think the 15.2 may have been measured with quite a generous stick! Fine for me but not my daughter with her humungo legs so didnt even try

second cob, nice type, 4 years old do would probably fill out to a light-middleweight, gave a nice ride for its age, quite close coupled so D felt a bit big on him - but just didnt give her 'that feeling'. On the plus side the dealer seemed open and honest and described all the horses fairly, good and bad points so will keep our eyes on her website.

This afternoon I have a 'higher end' dealer to ring, recomended by the farrier and am about to peruse the private adds.

I think we are going to have a long search to find anything that fits the bill. With Super cob Al we both knew she was the one the minute we saw the dinosaur sized head peering over the stable door
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