Horse leaning on breeching bar in trailer??


Well-Known Member
15 May 2011
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I have an ifor williams 505 trailer. I travel my 14.2 welsh d approx 2 x per month. HE always seems fine to travel and is quite happy to eat his hay, he loads and unloads great . The thing is he likes to lean/sit on the breeching bar so much so that is actually managed to pull the bit that attaches to the outer wall down and has pulled the hole it screws into down if that makes sense so now there is approx 2" movement in the breeching bar on one side (in other words the bar has been pulled down out of place as he sits on it. WAITING to have this repaired before using it again but what's the best way if avoiding this? Thanks is it best to raise the breech bar higher up or lower down? He fits in thte trailer well as he's short coupled and not big.