Trisha M
New User
I have just had my Thoroughbred Mare a year. When she arrived she had been out all winter and was quite thin. During her year at livery she put on weight and muscle and looked better. She tends to get rather strong and excitable and I asked the livery yard to cut down on her hard feed about 7 weeks ago, she is not given anything hot, & has plenty of hay. I noticed about three weeks ago she had started to lose weight she is eating well, had he teeth checked in Oct and was wormed in Jan. I am not sure if she just loses weight this time of year, have just started to give her Eostress as I have been told they tend to come into season in the Spring. The yard is giving her more hard feed but she is so much stronger again and I find I am pulling on her when she canters and is not so easy to stop, so not enjoying riding her so much.
Any suggestions or has this happened to other TB mares?
Any suggestions or has this happened to other TB mares?