Horse not eating


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I know this should be in the vet but thought i would get more response in here.

Got my horse in tonight and she was fine, came galloping up the field and was flirting with one of the other horses (she is in season).

I rode her and she was really good, did a few jumps and she was really lively, also took her for a gallop up the field where she squealed and rodeoed (this is usual for her when she is excited).

Tied her up whilst i did my jobs and she seemed a bit quite, got her hay and she started scraping and neighing for it so i put her in and gave it to her.

I fed Ellie and Senza didn't pay any attention (she usually starts banging the door), messed around in the tack room for a bit and the fed her. She didn't neigh like she usually does and instead of attacking me as soon as i entered the stable she ignored me and carried on eating her hay. I showed her her feed and she turned her nose up at it. I left her for a while and she kept going back to it, looking at it and then walking away to eat her hay again.

I also noticed that she was rolling her tongue occasionally like she had something stuck at the back of her mouth.

She seemed ok in herself, if not a little quite after she was ridden, was eating her hay and she done 2 poos. I called the vet who said not to worry as she is eating but her would like to see her in the morning.

Has anyone got any ideas what it may be, i'm really worried


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Ok this would be my checklist:

1) Is her mouth sore from p*ssing about? Is there any marks on her lips tongue etc that may make it uncomfortable?

2) Is she reluctant to put her head down, again the bucking may have tweaked something and she finds it more comfortable to eat her hay if in a haynet and not on the floor.

3) Is she swallowing ok? Is there a lot of saliva or is she struggling to chew? May be the has a sore tooth or something stuck in her mouth. I would try and investigate.

4)Have you changed anything in her feed? Added a new supplement? Left out carrots if she usually has them?

5) If all of these are negative it could just be that she doesn't feel like her tea right at that moment and may eat it later in the evening. I wouldn't worry too much as at least she is eating her hay (like your vet said). If this persists you may want to try her on other feed or get the vet to check her mouth out.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Nope all them things are negative, its really weird. Like i say the only thing that she was doing was she looked like she was occassionally trying to get something out of the back of her mouth but then she went back to eating her hay again.

She came into season today though and this is the first season she has had with me so not sure if it is something to do with that but never heard of anything like that before.

Vet said to leave her feed in there over night and see if she eats it. She did keep going over to it but then walked off again

Nothing has changed in her feed either so unless she is just bored of it.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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My horse did this too and was eating hay or appeared to be. When I watched him I noticed he was balling the hay and spitting it out. The vet checked inside his mouth and couldnt find anything apart from a slightly chipped tooth. He cleaned as much debris from around his teeth (he has a missing cheek tooth) and gave him a bute jab and danilon sachets for a couple of days and touch wood hes been fine. Never found out what it was so presuming he could feel the chip on his tongue or something or that he had some food stuck between his teeth???
I hope shes ok.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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Hi kelly

Did she eat her dinner?

Another thought would be if the feed has been opened for a while could it have gone "funny" any chance a mouse could have got in it and done its business in it?

I remember once at my old yard a horse wouldn't eat its dinner and would usually fight you for it. We found a dead mouse in the horses chaff dustbin!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Hi Claire

I went down and checked her first thing this morning and she was he usual psycho self again LOL Banging on the door and neighing to go out.

I checked her feed bucket and she had eaten it all and even licked the bucket clean

I turned her out and she went galloping off rearing and bucking so i am pretty sure she is feeling ok now he he.

Its just really strange
I have had the feed for quite a while as she isn't eating that much at the mo but no mice can get in because its in a big metal box!! I am going feed shopping this weekend though as she is running out so may try and get her something a bit different and more edable incase she is getting bored of just chaff and mix. I also want to take her off the alpha-a anyway evgen though she has been coming on leaps and bounds again since my lesson