horse on the mend thank god am so happy!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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needed to tell some 1 so thought i would bore you all with my story as non horsey parents not interested!

the week before badminton my horse went really lame on her near hind over night, was even lame in walk so had vet out who assumed it was her bone spaving playing up, ( she was successfully treated for this 6 months prior on the same hind leg and was back in full work (jumping x country etc) but when he scanned her leg found a hole in her deep digital flexor just above her hock and by this time her hock was huge and did not resemble a hock in any way, we think she got cast in her stable rolling as she litrally throws herself. was advised box rest and cortesone injections tho due to the set up of our yard she could amble round eating the hey from the bale as long as she behaved and had physio twice a week. 2 weeks later vet came out again and re scanned leg the swelling had gone down a bit so had a clearer view the news wasnt good he said the damage was far worse than he originally thought and that one false move now and she could rupture the tendon. after 3 months of and nearly 1000 physio bill i was allowed to start walking her. after a month of in hand walking (is like a big dog) i was allowed to ger back on and she was a star have to say shes been fab about everything. so 3 weeks ago the day came when he wanted my to trot her up i was so nervous and although slighlty unlevel vet was over the moon and said that given time and the right exercise this should sort itself out with even more physio to help so i began trotting her out riding or literally 10 yards a go and building it up but then after nearly 2 weeks of this one day went out and i knew she wasnt right brought her back and me being me started crying my eyes out (had her for 8 years dunno what i would do without her even tho shes barmy) rang the vet who said not to worry as things start working again can just feel a bit strange to her and to just drop her back to walking exercise this was repeated by my phsio and after 4 days of walking i trotted her again and she felt better than ever. to cut a long story short had vet out again today and he was so pleased with her he couldnt beloved how well she is trotting up still not 100 percent level but said he wouldnt have expected to get her this sound for at least another month or two, said most people wouldnt notice now, and shes feels fab and so happy in her self so thats my last vet visit for 4 wks and i am soooo pleased as ive got my little horse back although with a lot more weight than she used to have. she went quite depressed while she was off work but shes back to dragging me round every where and trying to jump on postmans heads! sorry to bore every one and go on and on but i am so happy. my vet is wounderful wouldnt swop him for a million pound! he stood scratching her back for 20 mins today she was made up cant wait to get on her tomorrow thanx for listening! sorry again!


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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I feel for you as I have had my horse come back from laminitis recently. He was actually not very poorly considering how bad it cam be, but it was such a worry, weeks and weeks of box rest and when he finally got the all-clear to start going out I was over the moon! We too had lots of walks in hand, (which he much prefers to being sat on actually) and now I am hacking out in walk and walking round the school. I am planning to take him back into proper work over the course of the next 4-6 weeks. Getting back on is great fun! so ENJOY!!! xx


Well-Known Member
26 August 2005
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Bet you're relived, its heartbreaking when they are ill. You'd give anything for them to know you want to help.

Hope it all keeps going well, fingers crossed and I hope she stays her normal 'barmy' self!