Horse Personality Test - Try!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2006
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i actually thought it was ok, it seemed to be like my horses, how sad, still fairly intresting


Well-Known Member
25 December 2004
back of beyond
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Apparently 'she is very healthy with the constitution of an elephant' - I read it as 'the conformation of an elephant', which is just right! lol!
Also, 'Maiden has a steady rhythm and lots of endurance. Although she is happy to be your partner, she is perhaps not the most forward thinker, just make sure you are not the one doing all the work.' That is so true, she is very energy efficient when I'm riding, I on the other hand am always the more tired one after a ride and ache everywhere! She still has the energy to go for 20 miles more!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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Well apparently Jim is a confidence giver - errr NO!!!! I keep him on a large yard & yet there is only one other person prepared to handle him if I can't get there & she insists on having a helper! There are only two other people who will ride him, only in the school & not if he's in a sharp mood. He no longer goes on grass ashis bucks are anything but confidence giving

I also love the "if going somewhere new try leading him" theory, I'd like to see it in practice, I could make a fair amount of money selling tickets to that one
, though they are partly right in that he's suspicious of anything different.

"In wet windy weather Jim will be the one with his bottom toward the prevailing wind" should read standing at the gate creating merry hell & insisting he's caught NOW & how DARE I leave him out in this?!

"very quick to pick up new things, even bad habits. He loves to be praised for doing things well and bad habits or mistakes need to be corrected very tactfully to ensure he does not become tense" is actually spot on & is partly why people have problems with him.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Spring can be a lively ride and quite argumentative. It can be difficult to channel her energy into what you want to do.

Spring could be classified as a tourist and is often more interested in what is going on outside the arena than anything you have to say

Lol! How true!

Aren’t you lucky that Spring is never ill! she is very healthy with the constitution of an elephant. Your horsey friends must be very envious.

I knew she was part elephant.....


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Good fun -

You are lucky that Cairo is so calm around other horses and ponies. But be careful that he is not bullied and driven around the field by the more dominant personalities. Cairo is a great asset to any yard.

Cairo is definitely a party animal who just loves attention. His outgoing personality will draw people and tidbits

Cairo likes a shady spot away from hot sunshine and flies. If the paddocks don’t have either field shelters or good tree covers, he may appreciate being taken into a cool stable during the day.

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How very true. Chancer is the same.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2006
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lol it came out quite true! x
'Murphy can be a lively ride and quite argumentative. It can be difficult to channel his energy into what you want to do.'
yeah sometimes!! lol


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Spring can be a lively ride and quite argumentative. It can be difficult to channel her energy into what you want to do.

Spring could be classified as a tourist and is often more interested in what is going on outside the arena than anything you have to say

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From someone who got the exact same response for their horse... couldn't that whole paragraph be rephrased to read "xxxxxx is a mare"

[runs and hides]


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Oh dear - spot on!

Ty can get into a lot of trouble and you may find yourself constantly treating minor knocks and cuts resulting from boisterous horseplay. If he has been kept in for any extended period of time, try to reduce excess energy by schooling, hacking or lunging before turning out. The last thing you want is Ty turning excess energy into high jinks in the field.

Ty is definitely a party animal who just loves attention. His outgoing personality will draw people and tidbits. Be careful, attention seeking can lead to bullying behaviour and the giving of tidbits could lead to nipping. Try to ignore him and attend to others first. He will have to learn to be patient!

Ty can turn stress into aggression so barging, pushing, kicking and biting may all be exhibited if he feels under too much pressure. You need to be firm and calm when dealing with Ty in stressful situations. If you lose your cool it will only make matters worse.

Ty eats like there is no tomorrow. Try putting hay or haylage in a small hole net and put lots of chaff in his hard feed to slow his eating down. Little and often may be more appropriate for Ty rather than one or two larger mealtimes.

In wet windy weather Ty will be the one with his bottom toward the prevailing wind. Damp cold conditions are his least favourite type of weather and a good thick hedge or stout field shelter is the prefect solution.

Although rarely sick, Ty can be a drama queen when feeling off colour. A good cuddle and extra special attention is required to perk up the patient.

A quiet and cosy stable in a familiar environment is the best way to keep Ty happy when feeling poorly.

Ty can be a lively ride and quite argumentative. It can be difficult to channel his energy into what you want to do.

Ty could be classified as a tourist and is often more interested in what is going on outside the arena than anything you have to say. Lots of variety and new things are the best way of keeping his attention.