Horse slowly going mental? long post


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
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I hope you can stick this one out xx....

I have known Freck for 5yrs. He is a shire x something. 17.1hh 13yrs. Owned by my boss who has little time to ride so I ex him approx 3 days p/wk.
Freck has always been abit hot headed when in company and when hitting turf! Boss has taught him this as motorbikes him and espesh up his own field back to home! BAD MOVE I KNOW!
Few yrs ago they took up hunting, Freck was like cat-on-a hot tin roof! And even to this day is still the same.
I have mentioned that Freck is probably just not mentally cut out for hunting, but hey-ho they still kept going.
freck last yr started to refuse to trailer load, never had this prob in the past.
And now I notice he is just not a happy person as recently he appeared lame behind somewhere high up. He also head shakes more than ever before and is like riding a loaded spring wanting to expolde.
Now Freck has never dumped any rider but is starting to give the feeling that he would. He is bad mannered out hacking as on the turn for home he gets a stupid march on and you have to shorten reins to keep check or he will just manicly trot off. Even won't stand when at road junctions or letting traffic pass, it's getting nervy now taking him out.
I have spent all my riding on him avoiding gallops and even walking up the field to home for the past 3yrs. But its not changing him, I've even explained to my boss that he needs to instill some manners into Freck, and sometimes he does(well tries).
Now in the last week I have had the vet out and the physio for some intense maliputation under sedation, Freck was very tight in the neck.
I rode today (walk/trot) a week after physio and he did feel suppler in the body but he was more determined to get home, and was very spooky which is not him, and still had the mental stupidity of rushing and getting wound up for no reason.
I can see this going in circles... shorten reins to stop buggering off = tense sore neck and bizarre excitability of going home.
After all my efforts of trying to calm him down and trying to undo the bad habits he seems to be getting worse.
What is going on???
Its depresing me n I dunno what to do next.
Gold star for you for reading it all x 2 gold stars for some enlightening feedback..


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16 January 2006
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Can you do some schooling with him or are you restricted to hacking? He sounds as though 20/30 mins in the school - ridden or lunged - before hacking out might relax him and take some of the fizz out of him.

Is he perhaps too familiar with your hacking routes? Can you take him somewhere different?

It does sound as though hunting is winding him up too much - wouldn't your boss also prefer a better-mannered horse to ride out?


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
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Yes he is too familiar with the hacking routes as don't have many to choose from and he has been here for along time.
Rarely is he ridden in the school as he is big and the school is a tad small and it gets uncomfortable for all. You also have to boot him on when you set off from home, almost lazy.
He is never asked to go in an outline as forever trying to get him to stretch and get head lower and relax. He is mainly just a hacker. He is also turned out every day for 6/7hrs, so is not boiling up from being in. And his diet is pedominantly a high fibre diet.
I feel its the hunting but he hasnt been this season (yet?).
Boss would prob prefer a quieter horse. But I cant see him selling Freck so i cant answer that.
I can only describe it like he's having a mini horsey break down, if that makes sence?


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Well i think he needs to do either one or the other, hacking or more intense work, could you possibly send him to someone so that you could get an expert opinion from someone who could take him on to see what he's like and give their expert opinion, its hard to say what to do when you don't really know the horse, what sets him off etc., good luck with him

P.S, i know someone who's great with that type of horse, let me know if you're looking for someone, seen alot worse than him though so don't give up

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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I appreciate the school is small, but assume there is room for walk/halt transitions and directional schooling in walk..if you can incorporate trot too so much the better. He some how needs to wind down a bit (maybe a calmer to help him through this) and ride from your seat and legs instead of a constantly restraining hand. Maybe a change of bit just to give him a different feel and experience. Be sure to have somebody on the ground with you to check you if you are temped to lock through our arms and hands.

The one essential of any horse that is ridden out is that they respect you and stop when asked


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
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I have thought that a change of scenery that he doesnt know might help, ie send to another yard. But knowing him I can easily imagine he would soon go back to his marching back nonsence here. I think alot of it stems from being allowed to do his own thing for so long (before my arrival) and I wonder if my efforts are winding him up and it's pi**ing him off. I ride him calmly, quietly and relaxed, yet firmly check him when he wants to go. He is so resistant and un co-operative and only now is it slowly getting worse and this is what I just don't understand.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
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nopudding, I will try that in the school. Lots of transitions half halts etc in walk n trot.
I feel and believe I ride from the seat and legs as am consious of my position etc, but no doubt someone on the ground could tell me different. lol.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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I am sure you this case it almost needs to be overemphasised to him. I know in your shoes I might be a bit stiff anticipating him bowling off..although I think this is less likely in the school


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
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Yep I am confident he will a plod in the school and be a different horse.
Maybe I should do this every time for a week say -bore the pants off him and then next time take him out for a gentle hack applying what I have asked in the school.