Well-Known Member
I have loaned 2 over the years; I have been responsible for insuring both although the most recent one had an value higher than I could get insurance for so I insured at a lower price but knew if he died I would be contracted to pay the difference in his value. When it comes to insurance I would put in the contract that they must insure for 'x' value and vet fees to 'y' amount or they are liable for these sums personally - basically this way if they stop paying insurance you still have recourse to them.
Both came with a full set of tack but the recent loan horse came with a saddle and it was a horrid to ride in. I wanted to dressage and it was a GP but I didn't go to the owner and demand a new saddle. I waited a few months and then traded my old dressage saddle in (it didn't go near him) for another second hand one. I haven't sold it on since he went back but in the 2 years I've had it it hasn't lost value so don't consider this an unreasonable expectation as a loaner of a decent competition horse to get tack to my taste for him. The only times I have known owners buy tack just to suit someone else is when a professional is competing for them but that's not what this sounds like.
I'm afraid I'm another person who thinks now is the time to walk away and find someone else who will appreciate the opportunity; spring is round the corner so a really good time to readvertise!
Both came with a full set of tack but the recent loan horse came with a saddle and it was a horrid to ride in. I wanted to dressage and it was a GP but I didn't go to the owner and demand a new saddle. I waited a few months and then traded my old dressage saddle in (it didn't go near him) for another second hand one. I haven't sold it on since he went back but in the 2 years I've had it it hasn't lost value so don't consider this an unreasonable expectation as a loaner of a decent competition horse to get tack to my taste for him. The only times I have known owners buy tack just to suit someone else is when a professional is competing for them but that's not what this sounds like.
I'm afraid I'm another person who thinks now is the time to walk away and find someone else who will appreciate the opportunity; spring is round the corner so a really good time to readvertise!