Hi! My horse have suddenly got two swollen hind legs. Yesterday it was only the right hind leg. But today both hind legs are swollen. He does not seem to be in any pain or have any fever, but I am a little bit worried because the swelling does not go down after exercise. I just walked him for 40 minutes and there was no change in the swelling. He got injected a week ago with cortisone due to a lameness issue and is therefore standing in a small paddock and only getting a 40 minutes walking session a day. I expect him to be a little bit swollen in his legs since he is supposed to rest and not walk as much as usual, but I thought it would go down with exercise. I feel I can rule out laminitis and cellulitis since he doesn't have a fever or seems to be in any pain. I can also rule out tendon injury since he's been standing still and have not been exercised for a long period. Would highly appreciate it if anyone got any ideas!