Horse tag


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9 December 2019
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Hello, I do loads of hacking on my own, but have some medical conditions. If I fall off and horse runs off, I want to have my medication and phone numbers on my horse so people can contact me or my family/stables, or worse case find me by ringing my phone. How would I do this? Ive looked at dog tags but dont think they would be suitable. Is there anything for riders/horses? Thanks for any info or ideas xx


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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I have metal engraved tags on both my saddles and bridles plus US dog tags on their headcollars. I get mine from RoadID in America as I used to have their tags when I cycled over there and the app on the phone which is free alerts your contacts if you stop for any length of time or hit the ground hard.

They are invaluable, I got hit by a motorist in Florida and the medics knew straight away I was allergic to penicillin and have a heart condition because I was wearing my tag.


New User
9 December 2019
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I have metal engraved tags on both my saddles and bridles plus US dog tags on their headcollars. I get mine from RoadID in America as I used to have their tags when I cycled over there and the app on the phone which is free alerts your contacts if you stop for any length of time or hit the ground hard.

They are invaluable, I got hit by a motorist in Florida and the medics knew straight away I was allergic to penicillin and have a heart condition because I was wearing my tag.
Whats the App called. That sounds amazing. I'm in the uk so finhers crossed it works here


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17 August 2008
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There are quite a number of fall alert apps available for phones in the UK. EquiSure has tags for both rider and horse so can find both of you but has a limited battery life. (6 hours if that makes a difference) Horse & Rider SOS works from the phone alone so will pin point you but not the horse. Ridersmate works in a similar way to an airbag - it attaches to you and the saddle. If you fall it sends a pre programmed SOS and your co-ordinates.

If you are looking for something more to reassure someone at home who can track you things like Osmodriod or Iphones "find my phone" work well and are free.

You can use "track my pet" or "track my asset" type tags for the tack which will help you find the horse - but not alert anyone doing so to your needs. To be honest the lower the that is the better so a med alert type tag on saddle and bridle is easily recognized and understood by most folk.

Not quite the same situation but when DD was a child out hunting alone we used osmodriod on her phone and a GPS tag in the saddle. That way we could always see where she was and that she and horse (or at least she and saddle!) were still connected. All our bridles and saddles have engraved pet ID discs giving our surname and a conatct number - but that is probably more from 20+ year of PC Camps!