Well-Known Member
I took my 14.2hh fell x pony hunting last month and found i had no control at all! he wears a breastplate with running martinggale attatchment and i think what is callled a french link bit? i can control him normal hacking but this was just scary!! he kept trying to canter to the front, and i was worried he would overtake the master. as i am only 13 this was very scary. i would love to go again! many people said i am not experienced enough, but i have been riding for 9 years and can canter, gallop jump etc, is this the case? He genuinely enjoyed the day but my arms were killing from holding him back. My friend (who is 21 and much more experienced, this was her 3rd time) also came with my ponys fieldmate who she loans. he is a anglo-arab who has been hunting 3 times before with different people and he was very calm and relaxed. would my pony be calmer next time now he has sussed it out? any help apreciated!!!!!!