horse watch or the likes


Well-Known Member
30 May 2010
Visit site
is there anyone on here that works for these kinds of places so i can pass a number on my friend found a plat in her horses mane and people are going on about plaits being used to mark horses

i have told her a horse has never been stolen due to a plait but others are saying diffrent can some one give me a number for her to call please to put her mind at rest please

its near edinburgh if thats any help


Well-Known Member
3 February 2011
Not sure which is closest but take your pick of contact details from here -

Also, show your friend this link -

The plaiting of manes continues to be reported countrywide.

The opinion on the theory of plaits being an indicator for a horse to be stolen is varied. If the plaiting is a sign for possible theft then it is reasonable to believe that we would have an increase in horse thefts because horses whose plaits were not discovered would have been stolen and we would have seen a surge of numbers taken. However this is not the case.

This does not mean horse owners drop their guard. They should always remain vigilant and continue to report any unusual activity concerning their horse. The usual advice is to report the matter to the police and your local Horsewatch. It would be useful if owners took photographs of the plaits and of the horse in full profile showing its mane with the plait in place when they are discovered.

There are a few occasions where the plait may have been “man made” but invariably the cause can be attributed to natural phenomena. Most reports of the plaits materialise around this time of year and is frequently attributed the mane getting tangled by wind, mud, and dried/ dying plants such as thistles.