Well-Known Member
Everyday I drive past 6 Shetland ponies in a field on my way to work. The field is quite small and there is definitely not enough food for them all. Their feet are very long and turning up, but worst of all they are inbreeding. There was a stallion and colt and a mare when I first saw them. That year she had a colt, the year after she had another colt and last year she had a filly. This year the mare is pregnant again, and I think the filly is too. I think she has given birth on her own everytime. The owners moved out of the house about a year ago and I havent seen anyone there since then. I feel bad for not reporting them but I dont know who to call (I live in the Banff, NE Scotland). Does anyone know? Could this inbreeding cause any damage to the foals? I feel really guilty for not calling someone earlier.