horsebox floor replacement???


Well-Known Member
15 December 2010
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hiya...we picked up our new box today!!! (new to us...but actually a 10 year old converted van, turned into a horsebox a few years ago hahh) the floor is obv. a metal base under the lorry chassis, but on top there is a layer of wood then rubber. The previous owner also kept a layer of shavings in as one of her horses used to wee alot. when we got home i went in the back and I felt a dip in the floor, and we lifted up the rubber and there is a "hole" in the wood. i say "hole" because its not really a hole, its where to wood has got a bit wet and mouldy , and the horse has stepped onto it and its compressed down in that spot (so sort of a hole with out it going all the way through the wood if that makes sense lol)
My relative (carpenter/fencer person haha) has said hell lift out the layer of rubber matting and put a layer of new waterproof plywood ontop of the old mouldy-ish wood...before putting the rubber back (we will let the old wood dry out before) so its stronger
will this work??? im SOOOO paranoid about them putting there feet through the floor!!! (although we have been told they defo. wont hahha)
it is a small 2 horse box (more like a van)


Well-Known Member
2 September 2011
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Hi, speaking as someone who has just been badly ripped off when buying a 2nd hand trailer, I would advise getting the whole floor checked by a horsebox specialist - the metal floor underneath could have corrosion if the wood on top is rotten. Sorry if this sounds a bit negative but when I got the trailer I bought checked by a pro I was told it was a death trap due to rot and corrosion - just so glad I checked and didn't put my boy in, even though I lost a lot of money on this. Hope its ok.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2010
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Hi, speaking as someone who has just been badly ripped off when buying a 2nd hand trailer, I would advise getting the whole floor checked by a horsebox specialist - the metal floor underneath could have corrosion if the wood on top is rotten. Sorry if this sounds a bit negative but when I got the trailer I bought checked by a pro I was told it was a death trap due to rot and corrosion - just so glad I checked and didn't put my boy in, even though I lost a lot of money on this. Hope its ok.

Oh My God!! :O im really not happy about putting pony in there!!!! but our first 'event' (pc rally hahah) is in 2 days!!!
where would i find someone to look at it?


Well-Known Member
2 September 2011
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I googled local suppliers of horseboxes and trailers, I found most offer a servicing/health check service so call a few and ask them if they would look it over for you. Sorry if I have scared you but my experience is still a bit raw! x


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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hiya...we picked up our new box today!!! (new to us...but actually a 10 year old converted van, turned into a horsebox a few years ago hahh) the floor is obv. a metal base under the lorry chassis, but on top there is a layer of wood then rubber. The previous owner also kept a layer of shavings in as one of her horses used to wee alot. when we got home i went in the back and I felt a dip in the floor, and we lifted up the rubber and there is a "hole" in the wood. i say "hole" because its not really a hole, its where to wood has got a bit wet and mouldy , and the horse has stepped onto it and its compressed down in that spot (so sort of a hole with out it going all the way through the wood if that makes sense lol)
My relative (carpenter/fencer person haha) has said hell lift out the layer of rubber matting and put a layer of new waterproof plywood ontop of the old mouldy-ish wood...before putting the rubber back (we will let the old wood dry out before) so its stronger
will this work??? im SOOOO paranoid about them putting there feet through the floor!!! (although we have been told they defo. wont hahha)
it is a small 2 horse box (more like a van)
This is something that needs to be done right !!! Do NOT let anyone put marine ply or any other bare ply in it !!! best to use phenol ply aka wisa deck ,gorilla board etc or alloy plank which will last and is safe oh and it would be safer and better to strip out the rotten wood and paint /repair the structure the last thing you want is old wood festering and rotting the metal work...and it adds unnessary weight...


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Don't ignore the rotten wood & put a sheet of ply over the top of it because you aren't repairing the floor you are just 'dressing' it & just covering up the problem. The floor will continue to rot under the new ply. The floor needs examining to see what is rotten & that needs removing & replacing. Additionally horse wee is very corrosive so you need to look at the metalwork that the floor is fixed to as that may need some repair as well. While the floor is up give the metalwork supports a good clean off & a coat of paint.

It doesn't matter when your next outing is in your lorry, cancel it until your lorry floor is safe for your horse to be carried in it.


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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I would lift the floor out to 1) check for corrosion and 2) never lay a floor on wood that is breaking down it wont be a stable base for the new floor.
Only use a phenolic board and if cut treat the edges.
Im based in Romsey in Hampshire and would be happy to look at it for you and tell the best way to go about fixing it your self.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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This is something that needs to be done right !!! Do NOT let anyone put marine ply or any other bare ply in it !!! best to use phenol ply aka wisa deck ,gorilla board etc or alloy plank which will last and is safe oh and it would be safer and better to strip out the rotten wood and paint /repair the structure the last thing you want is old wood festering and rotting the metal work...and it adds unnessary weight...

I agree a phenolic faced plywood would be better particularly if it's a Birch plywood which will have more plies. Wisa is good and so is Buffalo board and a phenolic faced plywood with offer some protection from urine.

I double skinned the floor in my horse box but only when I'd had the underneath checked and confirmed all OK.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
Cancel your outing. Don't risk your horses life.
Get the floor and ramp thoroughly checked by a horsebox specialist.
If the floor needs replacing get the whole whole removed, check for any corrosion on the the supporting metal sub-structure, weld as required and treat metal framework with corrosion resistant paint. Then replace the floor with a new floor and replace rubber.