Mine has been malting for about a month. This is a TB x that is turned out 24/7 without a rug! He has halved his coat.
He obviously knows what he is doing even if I can't work it out. lol
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SWUO is just the same....unrugged and unclipped...coat coming out in handfuls, especially off her legs which looks really strange!She's got a big hairy belly and what look like splindly little legs
Maddie isn't losing much, just a couple of hairs.
Today i was out seeing a friends pony who is unclipped but rugged and she was rather hairy! i came home looking like a fuzzball!
Yes, I was covered in grey hairs after brushing mine over the weekend. Haven't clipped her over winter as she drops weight so I try and keep her as warm as possible as only light hacking twice a week at mo.
It has got milder in the last couple of weeks but the ground is still so wet from constant rain.
The foal is moulting but the two mares that are rugged up aren't, all our live out so I guess they still need their coats. The foal has such a thick coat he must be boiling when it's sunny
My boy has been coating out for the past 3 weeks or so.....washing numnahs has become a nightmare again (hate trying to get hair out of washing machine).....huge clumpfuls coming out but use a shedding blade on his unclpped bits to try and get most of it that's coming off off before I ride (if you know what I mean)..they are a great invention
My mare started about a month ago. Thought this was very early! She was last clipped early jan and usually grows cat hairs by mid feb and then has one more clip, but have had none at all and no need for final clip??? Very wierd, can only think it's the mild weather??
Snap! My TB only gets one clip in late Oct/early Nov and always moults from January onwards (YO/breeder reckons it's because she was an early foal) but has long cat hairs everywhere. In fact I have just done her beard and jawline to smarten her up and because she is a lady afterall