Horsey aims for 2012?


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22 January 2007
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So what are we all hoping to achieve this year?
I'd like to:
Do more jumping with Hovis and actually canter the whole course instead of trotting bits!
Do the pairs at Equifest with Farra and Theresa F (yikes!!).
Get ballsy enough to go blood hounding (after following the pack on New Years day I SO want to take Hovis myself instead of someone else doing it)

Generally enjoy the amazing beast that I own and grow a set of balls for once (metaphorically obviously!!)!

How about you?


Well-Known Member
22 October 2008
Near Bristol
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Genie - qualify for BD regionals and then try our hardest to get to nationals
Titchy - county showing and back her later this year!


Well-Known Member
23 June 2008
The independant state of Yorkshire
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Firtsly...get a bespoke saddle for odd-shaped horse that fits (i'm on to this)...which will then allow me to ....

Crack on with schooling.....sort his canter out....

Do some ridden classes.

Enjoy the beasties.:)

Oh...and also grow a pair....I'm getting more wussy the older I get:eek:


Well-Known Member
28 January 2008
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I want to get back into doing a little bit of dressage. Only really basic stuff but I enjoy it. Didn't have time last year with everything that happened so going to try and make a huge effort this year :D


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15 December 2010
In the wettest county in the UK
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I've had my cob for 1 year come February. We've hacked out in groups and alone, we've done some in-hand shows, clear round in trot and I grew some B***s and hunted him 3 times!

This year I want to go on some fun rides, beach rides and I want to learn to jump properly he knows how to do it but I don't so I am hoping with a good instructor I'll learn how to jump him rather than the other way round :)


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26 March 2009
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My main aim is to grow a pair! If I manage that then we can crack on with having fun together!

This year I hope that we will:
Make the step up to novice this spring, and then have a crack at an elem before the end of the year.
Join a riding club and get mare out and about more without the pressure of comps.
Jump more than three jumps and without bricking it! I'd like us to have a go at a clear round - mare can happily handle this, it is me that needs to get it together (can you sense a theme?!).
I want to learn to long rein my mare and take some lessons in this so we can have fun learning some ridden 'tricks' inhand too.
Get OH mare round the county show circuit - had brilliant fun local showing last year to see what she thought of it, so will go out and play with the big boys this year!

Think that should do us, I think it is acheivable, and I would be really happy if we ticked it all off our list!

Best of luck everyone! We should haul this thread up at the end of the year too!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
I need to pay of my Credit card debt :( and then start to save up for a new horse, I lost my pony on NYE and he has left a huge hole in my life, so time for a new one and new challenges :D


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17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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1) Accept I am in a time of life that I should be saving money and sell the horse (she aint worth much as still very much a project)

2) Make use of the pony, buy a trailer and go and do some sponsered rides and maybe a days hunting next season.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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My main aim is to start getting out and about with my youngster.

2011 was about actually buying her, then building a relationship, hacking, basic schooling and cracking things like being shod and standing at the mounting block. We are getting there and she is pretty good for the farrier although clipping remains a work in progress.

We got a bit of a head start though and did our first outing and our first competition between Christmas and New Year. We took her to see the hounds at a local meet (didn't follow just stood at the meet and hacked home) and we did a tiny equitation competition and managed to come 3rd despite doing it in a monsoon! Would have done better if I had been less ambitious and done the walk trot test as we lost marks getting the wrong lead.

So this year we need to get serious about the schooling, and also start a bit of jumping. Then we need to buy a 4x4 and trailer so that we aren't restricted to events within hacking distance.

Ideally I would like to have done a proper prelim dressage test (even if it is just a dressage anywhere one) and gone to a newcomers day or autumn hunting before the end of 2012. If we can maybe do a little showing and jumping and a pleasure ride that would be a bonus.

Oh and I want to get her clipped without sedation or twitching! We've done loads of desensitising and hope to get a bib clip this winter, but definitely want to get her a chaser or trace clip next year.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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My main aim is to end the year with a sound happy horse. But through the year I would like to:
- Start him unaff eventing and possibly do a BE on a ticket depending on how he gets on
- Step up another level SJ, hes just moved up to 3' so would like to have a go at 3'3 but as hes only 14.2 its a fair step for him and he has some filler issues.
- Enjoy the year together and try to achieve as much as we can whilst home from uni as we dont have transport at uni.