Well-Known Member
Ok, I have my wonderful Ben who turned four this year, my hope is to hunt him a bit in the winter, our hunts aren't fast moving and we have a fab hunt meet down the road which would be ideal for the wee man, lots of bursts followed by rests, interspersed with some nice jumps. Now he has a tendency to get a bit fizzed and evasive of contact when he gets in company cantering behind, he evades so he can take the bit and crack on
whilst I'm working on this, don't think jumping in at the deep end of a hunt is the best way forward for him, I believe done right hunting will set him up and he will be fab at it and enjoy it. In the past, I've always just gone to a hunt with new horses, but having read something in another thread, I'm considering contacting the local hunt to join the exercising of the hounds, followed by cubbing, then some hunting. This should be pretty easy for me to join the exercising as the kennels is just up the road, however... I've never done it before, could some of you more experienced in that area, give me bit of an idea what to expect... How long are they out exercising for, do they cross all terrain or pretty much stick to roads and paths, are they already exercising at this time of year or if not when do they start? Is there any etiquette involved in exercising? As you can tell, on this I'm entirely clueless!!
Thank you
Thank you