Well-Known Member
Just heard that a hound has been killed on a railway. Trains delayed on a main railway to London. What on earth are the hunt doing hunting near a railway line?
They usually aren't. No one would deliberately lay a trail close to a rail line. Sabs like to try to confuse and distract hounds with fake horn calls, spraying the hounds with chemicals etc. Sometimes they deliberately lead them onto roads and rail lines - sometimes the confused and distressed hounds can't find their way back. The huntsman and whips do thier best to manage the situation - but sadly tragedies do happen. I can't see anything reported yet to suggest which hunt this might have been, but if you google it you can see that this has happened before sadly. We have two lines crossing our hunt country. We stay well clear. But the sabs don't.
Unfortunately hounds will 'roll' on a scent where they haven't quite got the right line sometimes
and they will try hard for quite a while on that poor scent.
Scent is difficult too which is part of the art and the thrill of working hounds.
They meet a couple of fields away from the railway line. What did they think would happen. Also that was filmed by a passenger on the train.How convenient that the sabs were right there, filming. No huntsman wants hounds anywhere near rail lines or motorways and there is no need for trails laid over them. Unfortunately hounds will 'roll' on a scent where they haven't quite got the right line sometimes and they will try hard for quite a while on that poor scent. Scent is difficult too which is part of the art and the thrill of working hounds. Very sadly, sabs often don't understand or care about the consequences of their actions where they foil a laid trail or disrupt hounds in any way - hounds will then try, and try again to find a scent and they don't know which one is the one their huntsman wants them to follow. This sort of incident is suspiciously 'handy' publicity for these sabs who have form in disrupting legal trail hunting and causing exactly these sorts of problems. What a very sad thing to happen.
I don't think any one would suggest that sab s are perfect but can't see how they can be to blame for arrogance, lack of control and chaos caused by the hunt. Anyone that thinks they are hunting within the law is deluded. Like it or not hunting foxes with hounds is illegal and it's time that law was inforced properly.According to local sources there was no hound killed the story came from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs who may or may not be the origin of a number of stories sent to the press.
I personally am very suspicious of hunt saboteurs having been attacked by some many years ago when I was out hacking.