Well-Known Member
Ok my house was burgled just over a week ago (luckily the robbing ba****ds didn't get away with much), the police came to have a look round and take any forensic evidence there was and to take statements from my mum and me. They told us they'd be back on thursday just passed to take elimination dna from us both but they never came back to the house. When my mum called to see if they were still coming the officer she spoke to said no one on her shift was scheduled to come back to take more evidence. So we've had no follow up/news on how it's going or anything. I know that it wasn't a major crime or anything and so it won't take priority for them but it does make me feel like they just don't really care and aren't doing anything about it. It wouldn't have been so bad if they'd contacted us and said they didn't need our dna after all or something but we've not heard a peep from them.
What would you do?
What would you do?