Hovis' Friday Diary


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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Dear Diary
Crikey what a week I have had! Full of ups and downs and mother having some sort of brain fart. More on that in a moment....
So this last week saw the arrival of the new girl on the yard. She is ginger with a white blaze and two very cute white stockings. Stockings........... huummmmmmm........... She is 8 years old and went up in my opinion when she bit her new brother on the nose 5 minutes after meeting him. I love a girl with attitude! Anyway as everyone was falling over themselves to meet her I decided to play it cool and ignore her apart from sending her some sexily smouldering looks across the barn. All the highly bred ones tried a snog and she wasn’t keen so I bided my time and waited until she’d realised she needed a real man. Then the other morning my moment came. Mum led me out and the fit orange one pushed her nose towards me, ears pricked with a “hello big boy” expression in her eyes (well ok that last bit might be an exaggeration bit in my head that’s what she was thinking). Mum allowed me to lean in to her and I gently nuzzled her nose. Well actually I accidentally pulled out a whisker and she screamed the place down but she came back for some full tongue action seconds later. So we kissed romantically then on mums advice I walked away giving her a parting smouldering look on the way out of the door. Cool eh? Apart from falling flat on my face two seconds later – smouldering and moving are quite hard things to do together.....
News of this romantic interlude had obviously reached Dollys ears because after several days of totally ignoring me she’s been all over me like a rash since. This in turn has triggered Frilly to start trying to kiss me in a morning too so I’m one happy little Destroyer at the moment. For once mother appears to have been right about the treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen approach. Mother is right about very little but on this one I do concede.

What mother is NOT right about is her decision to make me wear a bra. Last week some person called Bossy sent me a bib to wear. I thought this meant like a sports bib like footballers wear but no I am wearing a very very large bra. Or even worse from a distance you could think it’s a girdle. I have no issues with the little bald patch that was forming on my shoulder – it made me look manly. Wearing a bra does not. Even worse when mum got it stuck over my head this morning and then fell about laughing – apparently I looked like something called rent-a-ghost? I tell you getting undressed and dressed again is happening at lightning speed – I can’t have fit ginger bird seeing me wearing mares undergarments. They will be calling me Hovisetta at this rate.....

This morning we were due to go out hacking with Billy but his mum couldn’t go so mum and I did some schooling (yawn) then went round some of the fields on our own. I am seeing all the signs of mum taking this confidence stuff again and it alarms me. Admittedly I didn’t cover myself in glory when I saw a small ginger ninja lurking in the grass and took immediate evasive action. The fact it turned out to be a pile of baling twine is immaterial – if it HAD been something dangerous I would have saved us. Alas I’m not sure mum quite saw it that way, unless suggesting once again that mum didn’t know my dad (whilst heaving herself back into the saddle from a position best described as “precarious”) was an expression of delight? Oh and falling over my own feet on the way back onto the yard apparently wasn’t well received either. Oooopppps!
So today I am scouring the hedges looking for some of that stuff you snog under so that my trio of lovely ladies can take full advantage of me this Christmas time. Its tough being a lady killer but someone’s got to do it. Laters..........

PS Thank you so so much to all who have bought my book (although why wouldn't you i am a very funny horse?). We have raised over £5000 for Bransby so far so thank you on behalf of the less fortunate horses than me (although I bet none on them are being made to wear a bra :D)

DW Team

Well-Known Member
18 February 2009
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Oh Hovis thank you for another great diary you made my bad day better. Sloshing around in the mud and rain not my idea of nice day. Still I guess it is a little better than snow.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2004
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ha ha ha ha :) :) watch out Hovis she doesn't shove you in suspenders!! I think thats what is known as a crupper to horse folk!! Loved the diary as ever. :)


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I just nearly wet myself at the thought of hovis in a bra!!!!!!

That's amazing how much has been raised :)))

When's the next book out hovis??


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
Suffolk/Essex border
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Hovis I am heartily relieved to hear I am not the only hairy chap sporting one of these so called "bras". I've slopped all my dinner down mine tonight to try to camouflage it a bit. At least it's black, but that does stand out rather on my palamino. Nevermind, I'm just shivering so mum hurries up and covers the damn thing up with a rug.
In sympathy and empathy