Hovis' Friday Diary


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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Dear Diary

Firstly Happy New Year!

My first diary entry of 2012 finds me coming to you live from the Casa Del Pero. Yep you’ve guessed it I’m not in the good books at ALL. More on that in a moment.
So Christmas was nice and relaxing. Santa Paws did come despite mothers dire threats and bought me one of those massive molasses lick things. Yum yum! I do still have some of it attached to my nose and whiskers but the rest of it is long gone.......... I believe mum posted a picture of me on my facebook pages with lickit all over my face. I must add at this point it was a very cunning (and very successful) attempt to get the ladies to lick my face. Hubba hubba!

So I didn’t do that much over Christmas as grandma and granddad were visiting. I love it when grandma comes because she wants to be my friend but then I move, she squeaks like a goosed field mouse and runs off. It’s a GREAT game! Dad did ride me a few times and at one point claimed we had nearly done some Tempi. What the heck that was I have no idea but from the way mum was doubled over laughing I think she didn’t quite share Dads view. Mum also made me run around in circles a few times much to my utter disgust but when dire threats were made about taking away my lickit I sighed, sucked it up like the man I am and carried on running round like an over grown hamster.

So back to the dog house and the reasons for my current incarnation. Firstly last night mum arrived at the yard to find Hot Stepper and I engaged in a full on game of “I’m a stallion” over the electric fence that separates us. Apparently it looked as though I had hold of Hot Steppers neck and was shaking him like a set of maracas but on closer examination the only one of us with an injury was me. Admittedly he had removed quite a large chunk of skin off my nose and it was bleeding but I think these things just add to my manliness. Certainly the new fit ginger mare seemed quite impressed; although so did her younger ginger brother which concerns me....

So mum was not amused and moaned whilst cleaning up said war wound about the scars on my face and the likelihood of her ever being able to find anyone wanting a scarred up, dip stick of ill bred background and dodgy schooling. I think she was being very mean – I thought Hot Stepper was quite well bred?

Then came this morning. The day dawned lovely and bright and the wind had died down to a pleasant murmur. Billy and I bravely set off with a bounce in our step (well in mine – Billy’s too old for that sort of thing) and joy in our hearts. Mum and Aunty C deemed the road a little bit slippy so we went into the field that comes out at the yard which is FULL of tractors, Lorries and other scary machines. Today as we approached we could see the exit was nearly blocked by a big lorry onto which a large machine was placing very scared sugar beets. We could hear them beeping with fear. As we got closer the lorry moved and hissed very menacingly at us, giving us a bit more room but still meaning it would be tight. At this point Billy stopped, snorting and looking worried. Now as Billy is NEVER worried I decided enough was enough. I span round and showing a turn of speed that a race horse can only dream off belted off in the opposite direction........... Now ok I could have pulled up a little quicker, I could have not gone into a full tilt “yeehaa” canter across the stubble field and perhaps, just maybe, leaving my wing man behind was not the done thing but what can I say? Oooooppps? I eventually decided that the tugs on my bit were in fact mother trying to stop me and pulled up snorting and shaking (in a manly fashion obviously). Mum was doing a fair amount of shaking and snorting too so I think she agreed that running away had been a good idea. I’m sure that was the jist of the tirade that followed............

Anyway Billy came back to fetch us and mum and aunty c decided we’d walk past the scary thing on the road. No way Jose! Mum then decided that I was right and it was way too scary so we went off roading across a very boggy field to cut out having to walk past the tractor. Now at this point I have to set my mother straight and say I was NOT behaving like a fairy over the big ruts full of water. I was taking a measured and risk assessed view of where I put my feet.....

At this point as we reached the grassy track mum realised that Billy had a new friend in the shape of a very long, prickly snake hanging off his tail. Despite mum doing her best polo impression and trying to lean far enough out of the saddle to get hold of it she couldn’t and despite her asking me there was NO way I was going to stand on it – it might have bitten me! So we had to find somewhere for Aunty C to get off, remove the snake and get back on again. Already this had been an exciting morning and we were less than a mile from home!

In the end the rest of the ride was uneventful apart from us holding up the high street in one of the villages after we met another horse coming the other way. The horse was giving me the come on which I thought was great until I realised it was a gelding. I’m all into people liking free love and all that but people my loves expensive and I much prefer to save it for the ladies..............

We had a brief chat and then continued on our way with mother constantly reminding me that I am a total embarrassment, had blotted my copy book (which was news to me as I didn’t even know I had one?) and was lucky she loved me as stunts like that could result in my imminent sale. Oh dear.

So despite many kisses when we got home I have been packed off to my field without my usual post hack polo or any treats. I am not holding out much hope for any carrots in my dinner either. So I am standing alone and unloved pondering the unfairness of life. Laters.........


Well-Known Member
24 February 2006
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Oh Hovis, I do love you! :D

Isla would welcome you into our family if you find your Mum is being unbearable - you will have to behave like a complete saint though 100% of the time as she's only very very small and you're very very big! ;)

As for finding someone special to share your likit with :)eek:) - we have 1 little mare who might be a tad on the small/old side for you and unfortunately the rest are all boys...they're all a little confused about their sexual orientation...they all seem to enjoy it though so maybe you'd adjust...?! :D:eek:
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Active Member
30 November 2011
Essex girlie and proud.
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Happy New Year to you Hovis!

My mum also has not been imprssed with my New Year stunts, apparently if this is the way I am going to grow up then I too may have to find a new home........:( Sure she doesn't reeeeeaaallly mean it though):D