T is a 14.2 traditional coloured cob (see sig). He's around 445kg in the winter but can go up to around 480kg in summer - that's going off a weigh tape so is not 100% accurate but gives an indication of how much he can put on. He is fit with it, though, and competes/hunts/hacks for hours most weekends. ETA and is schooled or hacked in the week, too.
My other horse is a 15hh welsh section d (feel awful for forgetting him in the last post!) and on the weight tape last summer he got upto 640kg
He didn't look that massive... he had very little in the way of a crest, but anyway I did diet him and managed to get him down to the mid 500s for the rest of the summer. He's been in the 400s since winter, and for the first year ever, STILL looks ribby now! I'm really happy to have got on top of his weight.
My girl is a 15.1hh recovering anorexic Arab, she's managing her eating disorder but I daren't show her the scales or she'll stop eating again. I reckon she weighs about 420 - 430kg based on the last time she stood on my foot
14.1hh and 440kg on the weightape (would be slightly more on a weighbridge as the weightape under-reads). Not bad though considering he was 560kg at one point!!
Todd is 15 ish and weighs around 480 at the mo on a weigh tape, but is only 3 and is part shire, so has a fair bit of growing still to do, Tara is a welsh/arab 14.1 and had been overweight at 500ish, got her down to 412, but that was too thin for her, she is now a nice trim 430ish!
16' 2" full Clydesdale - 750 kg - yes I know she's overweight, but is 26 and not been ridden for 5 years and has been totally food orientated since I got her as a 5 yr old! She gets fat on a blade of grass and a whiff of an empty feed bag!!
MIne's 16.2 IDx something and on the weigh tape is 632kg - starting to think he must be more than that though judging what people say about weight tapes underestimating and comparing him to other similar ones. He's got a bit of a tubby belly at the moment due to 7 days field rest on good grass - still another 7 to go until he comes off the bute and can be tried again but it'll go as soon as he's back in work.