How buddy and i are going

5 October 2006
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I WROTE THESE BUT THEN IT WOULDNT POST FOR ME THE OTHER DAY, SO HERE THEY ARE: Hey guys, well its Saturday night here.. and i rode Buddy today! It was way cool! LOL... and then i fell off! It was still awesome though.. i mean in the paddock i was in he could run alogn fence with other horses.. but once we started trotting he just went wild and tried to do what he wanted so i had to keep him away from then.. and keep him walking cos hed do his best to trot off.. i ride him bareback.. cos of our size difference lol.. and.. yeah..well i got him going.. and decided to be brave and checkout his canter... and this is the 1st time id trotted for more then 3seconds... i trotted most of the time.. because his little legs dont move very far.. or fast.. one of the two.. id say far.. its not bumpy so the sitting bareback trot is easy on him.. just turning corners is a bit whoa.. im falling off sometimes.. btu its all good cos my foot is only a foot not even taht off the ground so just push myself back up.. but yeah anyways.. thought id go for a canter.. stupid really but i wanted to see what he canter was like to ride.. and lol.. i said go and he pigrooted or somethign and then stopped.. he did something funny.. and i came flying off lol.. mind you i only fell about 2 ft but still it was fun.. i was still holding the reins when i was on the ground which next time i fall off im going to not do that cos its a bad habit isnt it? Ive only fallen off.. this was my 3rd time ever.. one was off a TB gelding.. 16.3hh.. he reared a full rear as in right up.. i fell off and rolled.. then stopped to look up he was still up there kicking his front hooves in the air like the movies.. you know? LOL.. other time was my 1st canter.. his choice.. i through reins that time to.. but this time i still had em and i looked up and he was standing there looking at me.. lol.. i landed on my hip and head... but it was nothing lol.. i got straight back on as in i stood up and jumped on and trotted off.. lol.. but then came in for a drink and after that we walked speedily aroudn and aroudn and around the round yard.. concentrating on leg and rein cues.. cos its a brand new yard.. hed never ridden in it before so was all spooky and carrying on stupid so it was fun.. gunna do it all again tomorrow.. so much fun! Also.. earlier in the day.. i did all his trick trainin it was all good cept for he tried to kill me.. with the no trick.. he tends to say no to the side i point at but not go all the way back so tis only half an answer.. so.. i have been feeding him his treat on the other side so as he has to move his head both ways.. and one of the times.. he ran at me and went to bite me the little brat.. lol.. he was scary..he didnt do it again but it was like.. whoa! Anger management dude.. so i might give him a rest tomorrow.. for the tricks anyways.. ok, talk later! PS: i rode buddy.. for.. 45mins plus.. but maybe it was only half an hour iunno id say 45 not sure.. then again.. lol.. i dont know.. but by the end of it my seat was so so so aweosme.. i swear i was in the most comfy saddle ever.. and i was bareback! It was way cool.. anyways.. talk later yall early mornign.. goin out to horses before work!

this, if it worked, is Buddy! He is like.. 10 hh according to Gary.. my instructor.. and im 165cm lol..

i rode him again on sunday.. it was awesome, i rode him for about 2 and a half hours on sunday.. only like 1 and a bit maybe on sat.. when i fell off lol.. sat was the 2nd time id ever ridden him so going well! Again bareback on sunday..we dont have a saddle to fit us both.. and we did 1st hour in the new round yard just doing little listening excercises.. for example.. keeping him out to wall.. cos its new hed never been ridden there except the day before so he was still a bit scared of it but he did real well compared to last time.. and.. id go aroudn one way a few times and if he was going well or wed had enough go to one side or just randomly anywhere in the circle and go to centre, stop, have someoen check if we were square, back up a few steps stop.. then go agian the other way or whatver i wanted.. and trotting and walking trasitions.. but theyre fine really... gosh its a fast little trot lol i actually got him to walk through the gates with me on him.. took a few goes but we got it lol.. he kept trying to turn away but i got him in there.. then we did that for an hour while there was an hour lesson in the main arena at 9am.. then i got off and washed him, then went in on Chester 15hh QH gelding 4 yrs old, my big beautiful boy! for my hour lesson, then came back from that.. and was bringing Buddy in after drying for an hour and the 11am lesson started so i re-bridled him and we went for another hour and a half.. we went about 20mins in the new round yard.. then 40mins in the old round yard where we went round pracitcing the keeping out to walls, stopping and turning into centre.. backiing up and spinning a perfect circle really quickly.. he does it really good turning right doesnt really move his front hooves.. his left he does move em a bit more.. and then Owen was watching us and commented how amusing it would be if we could side step.. so.. we did lol. didnt know how to do it so he told me and i tried it and success.. he did it! lol then once that lesson came back in we went into the arena and trotted up the back to shut the gate cos theyd just come in from a trial at the end of lesson, then we just mucked around in the arena.. spiralling, and circling.. and trotting, walking.. stopping backing up.. spinning, and then side stepping again, he is actually really good at it! No one ever rides buddy.. only one girl with saddle and now me bareback.. and she just goes roudn and round but i do fun little tricks lol.. and i yelled out to a friend to come watch me side step him and she just smirked and said as if.. so we stopped and then side stepped about ten steps from a halt to the left.. hes not so great going right just yet but hes really good going left.. thats really good cos i only tried it with him 20mins before.. hes actually got an extremely good and responsive mouth especially for a shetland.. hes awesome i actually like riding him, hes alot of fun, still has his stubborn bits.. but ive been able to make him do everything ive seriously tried lol.. but im really happy with how hes going.. also... hes a picutre of me and Chester.. its a bad one cos i look huge and hes got a fly vale on but hes my precious! PS: if im talking to much let me know ok, please someone.

5 October 2006
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Yes lol.. probably but.. because he isnt used for anyhting else.. and no one else rides him.. and hes going to be sold soon if no one rides him.. i do. And well i wouldve thought no way.. but my instructor allows it and you could say he encourages it.. and we sure do look funny.. lol.. i have been thinking lately.. i want to do everything on this pony.. evreything do-able.. i wanna go for a swim with him.. and i wanna enter dressage classes only problem there is they wont let us in bareback.. and i wanna learn to jump him lol.. it will be such fun.. just to make him into a super pony for some little girl or boy to ride one day.. i mean.. hes not gone sore or anything from it.. and its not harming me.. we are both benefitting from it.. my seat is better then ever and im learning and hes learning.. its excellent! As long of neither of us are hurt or in danger its ok right?


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Is he really just 10hh though? Guess it depends more on your weight than height, not being rude or anything but a skinny beanpole 6ft person could probably safely ride a small pony than a bigger built 5ft6 person. Not sure how tall you are etc though so can't really comment! POny's breed would affect it too I imagine eg shetlands can carry more I think as they are very strong!
Maybe someone knows some kind of official guidline weight to height?


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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I personally would just stick to your bigger horse and leave ponio to relax IMO it is not far to ride a 10hh ponio if you are 5ft 6!! It might not be doing him any damage now but it will make his back back in the future and he may be struggling carrying you! If he is shetland then i wouldnt be as much bothered but still you should not be riding him! I def agree with you Emma C


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Hang on a sec, I never said I thought she definately shouldn't ride him

I just said I wasn't sure how tall she was (5'6 just a figure plucked from thin air as an eg!)
I actually just said I wasn't sure what the guidlines were really, but that maybe someone on here with more experience of ponies that kind of size would have a better idea than me

Hopefullly someone more knowledgeable than me will see this post, bigger horse looks lovely though! And pony v cute!
Hope haven't caused any offence!
5 October 2006
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Ok.. well.. i am 165cm.. as mentioned above.. and he is a Shetland.. hes like.. 17 or 19 or 10.. i think hes 19... but not too sure.. i am quite heavy.. but he doesnt seem to be struglling at all.. ive had my instructor watch us and approve me riding him and its his pony so.... he said that he was 10hh.. but.. im not sure how accurate that is.. i will try and get a decent one of me on him.. if you look at the picture of him.. thats in the 'old' (only old cos the other is newer) round yard.. and hes roughly up to the 3rd bar high.. as you can see.. he is pretty cute.. and is always picked on about his height.. being called a hhorse chopped off at the knees etc lol.. hes very strong.. and is a chubby little thing.. with an excellent mouth as i keep saying, its just so good.. uhm.. as for the big Dark Chestnut thats my precious Chester.. but hes not mine.. he is also my instructor.. hes a 4yr old Quarter Horse.. and hes so perfect.. hes 15hh.. my height in hh is 16.2... so.. lol.. But hes excellent.. but i only ride him in my lessons.. and whenever else i can steal a ride which isnt often where as buddy i have unlimited access! So.. ive planned to turn Buddy into my super pony.. gunna have him doing everything!! On saturday and sunday... im goign to ask to take him into the bending paddock and see how he goes with the pony club stuff.. and maybe barrells at a trot later on.. and.. might even ask to take him swimming.. of course id probably have to lead him.. hed sink lol.. and hed have to swim after about a metre or two in id say.. but i havent been in that dam before.. hopefully someone who does actually know the guidelines.. if ther are any... will come on soon!! Is there any way we can get the post to make its way back to the front.. instead of getting further back despite new posts?