How can I get more balance in my jumping position?


Well-Known Member
17 February 2009
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My share horse has quite a powerful jump and he really pings and the other day I was having a lesson and we where jumping grids. The last part of the grid was a spread and at the begining of the lesson it was around 90cm and at the end it was 1.20m. Over the spread at the end my share horse would really ping over it and I would end up loosing my balance and land on his neck. My instructor suggested I put my stirrups up a hole and I did but I was still loosing my balance.

Has anyone got any tips I could try to improve my balance?


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22 August 2010
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Not sure if it will help but try exercises to strenghthen your lower leg. I find mine is quite weak and therefore I can't keep my weight pushed down: jumping and on the flat.

My jumping instructor suggested riding in a 2 point position when schooling and even out hacking. She said if schooling aim to do 2 circuits on each rein in walk then trot then canter holding the position.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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agree on two-point. boxercise is also good for leg strength...

also, I have a pingy monster... over the years have learned to sit right up - so not only leg strength but core muscles!!!

On the floor! give me 10 tinselturkey!!!! Then plank for 30!!! ::D:D:D


Well-Known Member
17 February 2009
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I have never actually considered boxercise, I'm kind of scared of doing it because I have dodgy knees that pop out the socket :/

Is swimming any good for building up muscles?


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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I think calling her a plank is a bit harsh, she only asked about jumping strength ;)


You too H&S's Mum!!!! C'mon, give me 20 for that and plank for 40...... :D:D

I could soooo run a millitary style fitness club :rolleyes:

op - swimming IS good but is slow yield... can't you strap your knees in with a bit of tinsel?


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4 November 2010
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tie stirrups to girth with the tinsel while you're at it... Maybe a tinsel harness to hold you in the saddle too?


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28 March 2011
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Ride every single day in your jumping saddle with short stirrups and pracise the off the saddle seat position in walk ( I do this for part of every hack) really thinking about getting the wieght down into your foot and using your core to balance . If you are schooling use the warm up walking time to do this and also spend time in trot and canter on the circle standing in your stirrups.
In the house stand unright against the wall feet slightly apeart keeping your back staight slide down the wall by bending the knees then hold using the thighs , this builds thigh muscles also stand on the edge of a step bend the ankles up and down


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Ride every single day in your jumping saddle with short stirrups and pracise the off the saddle seat position in walk ( I do this for part of every hack) really thinking about getting the wieght down into your foot and using your core to balance . If you are schooling use the warm up walking time to do this and also spend time in trot and canter on the circle standing in your stirrups.
In the house stand unright against the wall feet slightly apeart keeping your back staight slide down the wall by bending the knees then hold using the thighs , this builds thigh muscles also stand on the edge of a step bend the ankles up and down

:rolleyes: theres always one smartypants... might use this meself.......


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Durr... how are you meant to jump JFTD?? I think a tinsel crupper tied to your waist is a better idea? That way you end up on his comfy bum rather than his neck :)


tinsel crupper might work. I was thinking of a harness attached to your saddle, with enough slack to allow you to fold, without loosing contact with the saddle... :p Then hands tied to the reins so they get pulled forward with the horse's mouth and stirrups to the girth so they stay right on the girth (since that's where teenagers seem to want theirs :confused:).

Risk is, the harness forces you into the right position, possibly breaking any bones which try to resist :D


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2 May 2009
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This is a great exercise on the ground, which might help your muscle memory, although I usually use it for beginners so you may already find you can do it no problems!

Put a round jumping pole flat on the ground (the fatter the pole and the smoother it's machined the harder it is).

Stand on the pole, with the balls of your feet on the pole as if it were stirrups, so your heel is lower than your toe with a stretch in the calf. Adopt normal flat work position, so a bend in the knees, and elbows bent, hands out in front on imaginary reins, but ear-shoulder-hip-heel in line (otherwise you'll wobble off).

Now, smoothly shift into jumping position... more bend in knee, weight down into heels, shoulders forward. You may find you wobble, but you should be able to use your core muscles and the weight in your legs to hold your jumping position, then shift smoothly back into normal flat work position.

This is particularly good for people who flick their lower leg back (i.e. towards their bums) as they jump, but it should also highlight any other imbalances in position, so if you feel your shoulders go too far down when jumping and you do this on the pole you'll wobble off forwards...


Well-Known Member
17 February 2009
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Ride every single day in your jumping saddle with short stirrups and pracise the off the saddle seat position in walk ( I do this for part of every hack) really thinking about getting the wieght down into your foot and using your core to balance . If you are schooling use the warm up walking time to do this and also spend time in trot and canter on the circle standing in your stirrups.
In the house stand unright against the wall feet slightly apeart keeping your back staight slide down the wall by bending the knees then hold using the thighs , this builds thigh muscles also stand on the edge of a step bend the ankles up and down

Thankyou for your reply, he does'nt have a jumping saddle but he has a gp, will this be ok?

Thanks I will try those :)


Well-Known Member
17 February 2009
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This is a great exercise on the ground, which might help your muscle memory, although I usually use it for beginners so you may already find you can do it no problems!

Put a round jumping pole flat on the ground (the fatter the pole and the smoother it's machined the harder it is).

Stand on the pole, with the balls of your feet on the pole as if it were stirrups, so your heel is lower than your toe with a stretch in the calf. Adopt normal flat work position, so a bend in the knees, and elbows bent, hands out in front on imaginary reins, but ear-shoulder-hip-heel in line (otherwise you'll wobble off).

Now, smoothly shift into jumping position... more bend in knee, weight down into heels, shoulders forward. You may find you wobble, but you should be able to use your core muscles and the weight in your legs to hold your jumping position, then shift smoothly back into normal flat work position.

This is particularly good for people who flick their lower leg back (i.e. towards their bums) as they jump, but it should also highlight any other imbalances in position, so if you feel your shoulders go too far down when jumping and you do this on the pole you'll wobble off forwards...

Thankyou, I will give this a go :)


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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This is a great exercise on the ground, which might help your muscle memory, although I usually use it for beginners so you may already find you can do it no problems!

Put a round jumping pole flat on the ground (the fatter the pole and the smoother it's machined the harder it is).

Stand on the pole, with the balls of your feet on the pole as if it were stirrups, so your heel is lower than your toe with a stretch in the calf. Adopt normal flat work position, so a bend in the knees, and elbows bent, hands out in front on imaginary reins, but ear-shoulder-hip-heel in line (otherwise you'll wobble off).

Now, smoothly shift into jumping position... more bend in knee, weight down into heels, shoulders forward. You may find you wobble, but you should be able to use your core muscles and the weight in your legs to hold your jumping position, then shift smoothly back into normal flat work position.

This is particularly good for people who flick their lower leg back (i.e. towards their bums) as they jump, but it should also highlight any other imbalances in position, so if you feel your shoulders go too far down when jumping and you do this on the pole you'll wobble off forwards...

That sounds like a brilliant exercise, and on the basis I would only ever exercise down the yard, that would suit me a treat! Thanks :)