How could I be so stupid!!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Really really stupid this am.

My poor horse came in on sat night with the weather and I have only just put her out this am as Chelsea went yesterday and we agreed to keep her in for the day as no one would be around to keep an eye on her until the evening (last time she was left 100% on her own she put herself on the floor through charging around and loosing her footing) and we didn't want her going out and charging around in the dark.

Now Till's really is not a big fan of being kept in, especially on her own, and gets quite stressed and arsey if she has to stay in for more than about 24 hours (which is a big improvement over the last 12 months).

However, this morning I went in to change her rugs and, like I usually do left her loose while I did it as she is usually a poppet. When she didn't quitely stand still because all she wanted to do was get out, rather than do the sensible thing of slipping a headcollar on and tieing her up I told her to stand still, sucessfully wound her up even more, told her off very firmly again which and suddenly her back leg was level with my shoulder and smack! I now have a very sore, very bruised shoulder.

But then I really, and I mean really, told her off (and yes, that did involve a good smack with the end of the lead rope - If there is one thing I will not have its a horse raising a leg to me let alone kicking me - something she has never done before!) and only continued to do her back strap up when she stood perfectly still without a fuss which she did pretty quickly.

It's not telling her off which I feel bad about - she is a big animal and I will in no way tolerate that sort of behaviour - shoot me down and call me cruel if you like, but I blame myself entirely. I knew and could see she was wound up before I even went into her stable and proceeded to make the whole situation worse rather than simply popping a headcollar on and tieing her up. And now I am furious with myself for it - how bloody stupid can I be

Fortunately we are now friends again - she was a little angel while I turned her out, had about 4 bucks, a roll, 1 quick spin around the field and then came charging over for a cuddle and after I'd sorted her stable out she had a carrot but I can't help feeling I made a stressy situation 100x worse


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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It's awful when you look back at a situation and realise that you could probably have handled it a bit better - but we all do it, especially where youngsters are concerned.

Glad you are both friends again, and that your lovely girl enjoyed her buck, fling and roll.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2004
Oh don’t beat yourself up, we all have those situations occasionally! At least you are still friends!

Hope your shoulder isn’t too sore, ouch!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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We are all guilty of this I am sure... you left on a good note as friends which is as it should be. I would just forget it and move on. In the future you will know. xx


Well-Known Member
23 April 2006
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Sorry Ginn, but you should be able to go into your horses stable and do whatever you like, whenever you like regardless of the circumstances, your girlie pushed the boundaries and you brought her back into sharp focus as to the rules, good on you. You had the conversation, ended it with a cuddle, all is fine, job done.

I bet she isn't having the same conversation with her buddies, she's just munching


Well-Known Member
1 February 2005
N Ireland
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we all do silly things we later regret,

when I was younger I turned my mare at the gate as always as as soon as she is let go she goes mad bucking etc! Then I remembered I wasnt bringing her in that night, so wait for it!!! Ran down the field after her to give her her kiss just as I got level she started her wee bucking thing cos she was out and smack I got belted in the chest!!

Taught me my lesson, sometimes I just think atleast it wasnt a whole lot worse and I wasnt taht hurt plus I learnt my lesson,



Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Thanks for the support guys, I know we all do stupid things sometimes and although still furious with myself for making a bad situation much worse I think all I can do is put it down to experience and hope I don't make the same mistake twice.

Shoulder is agony, I have 2 lovely bruises between my shoulder elbow which I only noticed tonight when I took my jumper off and still have that whole dead arm feeling and tingly fingers and a cracking bruise on my shoulder blade. Madam on the other hand is fine, missing her mate and a little stressy but perfectly well behaved this evening so no harm done.