How could i have been so stupid!?


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Took my neighbours 9 year old daughter and pony for their first lesson today. Organised it all, re-arranged my lesson to co-incide, cleaned their tack as it was terrible (!), made sure pony could travel ok with my ned the day before and then took them over to school today.

She had quite a good lesson and got on well with my trainer. My turn to ride next and she was petting mine while I was tacking him up. Asked if she could have a sit. I thought about it for a moment and decided she couldn't come to much harm - he was tied to trailer, very quite, being tacked etc. How wrong I was. About 30 seconds after she got on he spooked at something, pulled back from trailer, spooked at her falling off and disappeared down the lane. He wasn't difficult to get back but she has broken wrist, poss broken nose and mild concussion. I had been banging on about always wearing a hat and I put her on him without one!! I feel terrible and can't believe that I could be so stupid but then where do you draw the line? A hat wouldn't really have helped on this occasion as she fell on her face but I really think I shouldn't have let her up but then he is normally so good and maybe it was just one of those accidents. At least her mother was very good about it and tbh the child is made of pretty tough stuff - didn't make a fuss or cry at all. Still, I do feel terrible....sorry, just had to get it off my chest...


Well-Known Member
1 March 2004
Oh dear, sounds like just one of those freak accidents! Live and learn, and all that!

I bet the 9 year old will be talking about for years to come though to her mates, you know what kids are like, she will think it's cool!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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but its always going to happen like that...we have a livery who has a youngster and she decided to ride without my body protector..she fell off and has fractured her pelvis..again...

but i was going shopping and she said she was ok..then i got a phonecall to say the air ambulance has been called her chalet on the cliff.....

hiow bad do i feel esp. since i am a first responder....


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Its always the way. I got chuntered at last season for hunting in big wall country a few times wearing my beagler (which was silly) but then I break my nose falling face first in arena when horse got his legs tangled. Dont feel bad, I fell off of my dad's 17.2hher when I was 7 and it took him five mins to realise. 2 days in hospital with concussion, didnt do me much harm


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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Oh dear - but as they say, it is always the time you do something daft that something goes wrong. I bet every mother on here has some sotry to tell - did I ever tell you aobut the time a ferret bit my daughter's finger and .... no? ARGH!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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No doubt half the people on here will sympathise greatly with you & the other half will tear you apart - me, I'll do both & get it over with, shall I?
A serious error of judgement on your part? A completely unforeseen accident? Well, both I guess! I feel terribly sorry for the little girl that was hurt & also terribly sorry for you, as you are undoubtedly feeling dreadful about it!

Letting her sit on your horse without a hat was not a good idea but how many of us have committed this same 'crime'? I know I have! It's not something likely to ever happen again, so you'll just have to get over it Sue & move on!
OK, poor kid has broken her wrist etc. but it could have been a lot worse & tbh, he could just have easily have spooked, broken free & knocked her over if she'd been stood on the ground, couldn't he?

Hope she heals up quick (kids do!) & try not to beat yourself up over it too much - what's done, is done & you can't change what's happened!
A hat might've saved her from the concussion but she'd still have broken her wrist - a real unfortunate accident!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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2 days in hospital with concussion, didnt do me much harm

Are you sure about that.......

[/ QUOTE ]
ummmmmmmmm, im only slighty mad!

One thing child will make out of terrible situation is that pots on arms are big in the playground, much street cred will be gained by her fall.


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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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I would be thankful that the child DID fall off, a kid near here was killed recently when a horse he was being led about on got away, think they had tucked child's feet into leathers, as stirrup irons were too far down, and of course then was pinned in place.
Everybody makes mistakes, and horses are good at exploiting them.
I am sure the little girl will be as good as new in no time.



Well-Known Member
14 June 2004
North Yorks
Isn't that always the way it goes?

My little neice was recently jumping and had just jumped a really big fence but I missed it. She decided to do it again to show me and pony refused it twice so I told her to do a smaller one and let him off. He decided not to jump it but to suddenly swing out at the last minute unseating her. He then went on to jump the next one and she was shot out the side door. Had a serious concussion and is still not 100% nearly a fortnight later
I have felt so bad I can't tell you.....but isn't it just sods law?

Try not to feel too bad, I am sure she will be fine and you can't change it now so all you can do is remember for next time. Chin up!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Was the girl's mother with you too?

Reason I ask, is that as a mother of an 8 year old, I wouldn't have let her get on your horse, however calm I believed it to be, without a hat. Hannah, my daughter, has always had it drummed into her to not ride without a hat.

So, on that part, you are not totally to blame anyway. Accidents sadly do happen. At least she should suffer no lasting damage and you both go away from this having learned a very valuable lesson, allbeit the hard way.

I take it your horse is ok?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
If it makes you feel better, we've all done daft things.
We returned home from a show when daughter was aged 10 having won every class we entered and daughter was on a high, and still wanted to ride. We had just broken a four year old dartmoor, very sensible and quiet, and she had ridden him every day. She got on him in the indoor school, trotted him round for 15 mins or so and said could she trot round the field, he looked very calm so I opened the gate and was walking back to unload the box when I heard a blood curdling scream (never quiet when she falls off!) The pony was galloping round riderless and she was sitting clutching her arm, obviously broken.
They had started trotting round the edge of the field and the stallion in the next field had charged at the fence pulling faces, said pony shot off at a gallop and attempting to stop him she aimed him at a solid XC fence..He swerved, she went flying etc... I am ashamed to this day that I told her to just hang on a minute whilst I caught the pony and removed his tack...

Her arm was broken just before the wrist and needed a few weeks in plaster.
In your case I would never allow anyone on a pony tied up as it seems to set them off for some reason. On holiday in Florida I was terrified when we went riding and were told to mount all the horses tied up by their bits and solid chains to a mounting rail. They were fine but I had visions of horses pulling the entire rail out and bombing off!
But we all know better afterwards don't we!
Thank godness the kid has a sensible Mum, it could have been much worse.
have a stiff drink, you sound like you might need one!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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ARGH you must feel wretched but accidents do happen

Fnnily enough I am like HH, I have an absolute phobia of getting on a horse or putting anyone on a horse when tied up - just one of those strange things in my head!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Thanks all - I do feel a bit better. Won't mind the tellings off as well as the kind words! Lesson learned - to add to all the others I have been accumulating about horses! I do take a lot of notice of the lessons learned by others on here. And, those of you that have said that it could have been worse - it certainly could, but it could also have not happened at all which would have been preferable! Getting over it - with the help of a stiff gin! It really does help that the mother is not the sort to make a fuss and understands that her children will have accidents as she lets them go out and do all sorts of things. Have spoken to her this afternoon and she was delighted that her daughter learnt so much in the lesson, really liked my trainer etc. She wont do anything silly like banning her from riding.

Bet her brother will be well jealous - he got SO much attention when he broke his collar bone playing rugby!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Yes, she was Patches but to be honest she doesn't really know anything about horses and lets her ride out with her father (who really is a space cadet!) without a hat, in ballet shoes, on a pony she can barely control.
Mostly because she doesn't really know any better. I have pointed out that it is unsafe, illegal etc but he doesn't really bother to take any notice. Part of my keeness to get her lessons was to enable her to have more control and to make sure she was taught how to do things properly, eg cleaning tack and ...... blushes deeply.....wearing a hat! See why I feel extra terrible about being such a muppet to put her on a horse (however calm, well trusted, chilled, well behaved, standing still, tied up) without a hat. Will never do anything like it again and will use it to illustrate to others why it shouldn't be done. Take on board all your comments about getting on a tied up horse - I wouldn't actually be comfortable about doing it myself......Although I do have very fond memories of being allowed to sit on my aunts horses, tied up in the yard while they were being groomed.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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"I am ashamed to this day that I told her to just hang on a minute whilst I caught the pony and removed his tack... "

O HH I don't usually laugh aloud on here, but this made me! Cheers, hun, that is JUST what I would have done!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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And yes, horse is very ok thanks. It was obviously no real challenge for him! And he got an apple out of it ! (to get him back)


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I broke my collarbone... mother was away within 2 mins to take child to brownies. half an hour later she appeared back. :0
However, I am lucky and dad being a consultant took me straight in and x-rayed it with a wait of only 5mins.
No sitting in casualty, no junior doctors who know crap all!
There are some benefits to the long hours!:D
As to child without hat =stupid thing.
You'll know next time!