How do I bring him back into work?


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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Could do with some advice guys.

Long story short, had a broken pony, general veterinary consensus was that she would be a paddock ornament for the rest of her life, so resigned myself to retiring her, and bought a new pony (16.2 freisian).

I kept up with all the veterinary treatment with the broken girl though, and lo and behold, thank all that is holy, after 2 years of paddock rest/box rest/hand walking/scanning/shockwave/prp, she is now sound and rideable again:D:D:D

My problem is that I just don't have time to give to two horses, and no-one in the area who can help ride regularly etc. And the Freisian could really do with someone who can be more consistent and confident with him, so I have made the difficult decision to sell him. (Please don't shout at me!)

When I got him, at first, he was terrible to hack out alone, used to run backwards and spin. I'm not a particularly confident rider and although he was sold to me and advertised as a great hacking horse, I had a lot of problems with him. Some of you may remember my previous posts about him.

Fast forward to the autumn, and after a lot of time and energy spent with him, my poor mother walking everywhere with us and just generally building his confidence up, I was managing to hack him quite a long way on his own.

The problem is now, due to work and time commitments and some pretty horrendous weather, I haven't ridden him at all for about 6/7 weeks, and the last time I rode him, I took him out in company with my mum riding my mare.

Obviously, I want to get him back into work before I advertise him, and I intend to be wholly truthful about the fact that he much prefers hacking in company to being on his own, but I wondered if you would give me some advice on how best to bring him back into work?

Do I just go for it and jump on and try to hack him out alone, or do I return to some basic groundwork and get his confidence (and mine!) back up again? Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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If I was you, I would do some basic groundwork and when that goes well, you should climb on and try hacking out alone.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I'd start him just like any other, with a week or so of lunging, then a bit of a school for a couple of days and then back out on the straight and narrow (that's hacking, BTW).


Well-Known Member
14 April 2007
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Do some basic groundwork then when you do venture out again maybe take your Mum as foot soldier with you for a time or two?


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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How about doing some ride & lead - gets him out seeing things and building up his fitness with the safety blanket of your mare there.

Thanks Jennbags, I had thought of this, the only thing is, my mare walks at about a hundred miles an hour whereas he plods along very slowly. Think I might get stretched!!:rolleyes: