How do I get my pony over her fear?


Well-Known Member
4 October 2011
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Poor knobberpony was scared out of her wits on Boxing Day,when the people next door to her field lit a huge fire and set off fireworks.They didn't warn us,so we weren't able to move her away,so the fireworks were banging away right over the poor thing.

We have a problem now,in that she is terrified of smoke and fires.If she can even see smoke in a far off field,she tries to get away.Last week my daughter was hacking her when we came across a garden bonfire-it was over 100 ft away from the road,but knobberpony saw it/smelt it and was dancing all over the road and would have bolted if I hadn't been holding onto her.Normally nothing phases her and she is rock solid,but she is genuinely frightened.

We have a large field where we have had a small bonfire ,and prior to Boxing Day she has grazed around in the same field totally unconcerned.I'm wondering whether to pop her in there again and light a small bonfire,but am worried that she'll do herself an injury trying to jump out if she panics.Another option would be to keep her in the field next to where the bonfire could be lit,so she can keep her distance,but still see it and see that it won't hurt her?

I'd be grateful for any advice/thoughts anyone might have,I don't want to get it wrong and make things worse.:( thankyou.

Tinsel Trouble

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16 October 2009
Grantham (please don't judge me! originally from S
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What ever you do, do it slowly. I would let her in the field with the bon fire and not light it for a couple of days- when she is happy in there I would light a barbeque or something that has smoke and flame but is not a danger and easy for you to put out and work up the size of fire and smoke from there over several weeks.

It might be that she is happier if you are all in the field with her- can you have a small family barbeque and then light the bonfire late into the evening? That way she would have the protection from the 'herd'. Don't worry about an aversion to fireworks- lots of horses have that!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2011
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Thankyou both,will try and approach things slowly.I'm glad it worked with yours mulledwhine.

When I went to get her in tonight,there was a bonfire in exactly the same place as the one that originally scared her and I just could not get her into the yard.As soon as she saw it,her head went up and she refused to move.After the 3rd attempt to shift her failed,I started to tack her up by the gate,where she didn't seem bothered,then my neighbour came along and with him behind us,she went into the yard.My daughter was riding her and on our hack she spotted a huge fire a field away[they love their bonfires around here] and rooted to the spot,I got her moving and we went along singing to try and calm her down,but we had a very bouncy,jiggy walk along the road until we were 1/4 mile away and she could no longer see it.

Oh well,it made for an interesting afternoon.