how do you/can you........


Well-Known Member
5 August 2004
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.......cure bolting.
Not blind panic bolting, just rudely carting you after spooking at something. Any time, any place, any where - and quite randomly. Had saddle/teeth/back checked and am positive is just being a s*d! started this spring and has got worse as the year has progressed and he knows full well I haven't got hope in h*lls chance of stopping him. Currently riding in a pelham but TBH might a well have a bit of wood in his mouth for all the use it is. Have tried gags/waterfords/ running out of options now!!!!
Bl**dy annoying cos he goes quite well when he's not carting me - just when I think I'm getting a grip, he does it again.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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Sounds exactly like when I first got pickle, he wasnt used to open fields only tight paths so the freedom caused bolting to solve it, I took him out with something i knew would stay controlled then took him to the same place for about a month some days we would trot the field other days he would walk it, then have a small canter other days because he didnt know what was coming he became a lot better, and because he was ridden out with a sane horse he didnt want to leave his friend behind. Have you tried a waterford dutch gag? or just a waterford gag? Also if he did begin to get excited I would just turn round walk back a bit do a few cirlces then try again


Active Member
4 November 2004
Cheshire, England
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Do you ride out in company? Perhaps going with a bombproof horse might help. How about nosebands - what do you use? What does he do to evade the bit and stop you from stopping him? I wouldn't recommend just sticking things on if a horse suddenly started bolting but if you're certain he's just being a little monkey rather than being in pain then maybe a standing martingale, a grakle, a drop. Just make sure you fit them properly

And also.. schooling! I don't know how much you do already, but this will really help you gain control and obedience off pony.

Good luck