I'm a combination of haynet, hayrack and floor - mine both get a haynet and full hayrack but inevitably they pull the hay from the rack and eat it off the floor!
I have a massive collapsble bin thing for one with a paving slab in the bottom and the other 2 have nets. I really would like hay bars - my dad is going to make me some
He doesnt like it from nets! I always have a net hanging up so if he finishes whats on the floor he can pick at the net, but he never finishes whats on the floor! (especially now he's moved to the big green field!)
Currently haynet as YO was getting narkey about the amount of wastage when fed off the floor. I ordered a haybar from Derby house just before New Year - they lost it, couldnt find it and had no more in stock so have had to order from elsewhere. Had hoped it would be here this morning
i feed as natured intended (im not up my own arse!) lol off the floor, also read that it can be great for the topline not to be snatching at haynets as this hardens the neck under neath
Have got haybars, but they just pull it all out and eat it off the floor anyway. Use haynets as well which the my two big heavies prefer to their haybars.
a small holed haynet so it takes him a while to eat it all and he cant get his foot stuck in it if he manages to pull it down (which every now and then he does , no matter how securely i tie it!)
I dislike haynets, because of the problems they cause with teeth, back, neck and breathing. Also because they are dangerous. So my boy eats off the floor!
Beau gets 2 small ahynets tied to the bars of his stable along the way rather than hanging. So he can pull the hay out without stretching his neck up and getting an even BIGGER neck!
I used to feed from the floor but he just poops on it!
mine get theres in a haynet n its always soaked!! hay gets a bit dusty this time of year!! or if i dont have time i put it on the floor but i dont like doing this! xx sami xx
Cairo has a small holed net - he does not like hay off the floor. Chancer has a haybag - better than a net and if I put it on the floor, he drags it everywhere and then won't eat it.
put the beasts in a big tub on the floor . makes it easier to carry..
am sure its helping with his topline and he never used to finish his nets at night, heard that picky horses just cant be arsed to pull it out of a net and it puts them off eating now he actually eats his hay happily