Well-Known Member
My little 14yo gelding needs knocked out for the dentist or he will become very violent. Under sedation he is fine but to have a call out and sedate for one teeny pony is a big expense lol the usual place i go can sedate and EDT at the clinic but at the moment they want owners to stay in the cars then let them take over unloading/handling which is totally understandable but he really is a weird pony and i can't 100% say he won't just say "you're a stranger, no" and take a hissy fit with his front legs at any point during it all. I absolutely do not want anyone getting injured by him, him breaking himself or him breaking any equipment. He also doesn't travel well so would need a companion and thats another pony for them to have to handle who won't be getting treated. Getting vet out to jab and leave will be fine and then EDT come in when hes spacey - but should i possibly try dormosedan? Last time he was sedated he sweated buckets literally dripping in sweat so i am not sure how i felt about it all. I have never used dormosedan before so i don't know how/what it actually works like. I know the under the tongue thing and i am guessing about 2ml would knock him on his back but how long would it last?