How fit do you have your horses to hunt?


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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My horse was 'eventing' fit (intro eventing) in the summer. Up until end of Sept he was in 6 days work a week, one of those days normally quite a relaxed hack.Since then, due to light etc, he normally has 3 consecutive days off a week(not ideal i know). The work here consists of an hours lesson(alternate flat/jumping each week), a power hack for about 25mins, mainly trot and canter, and 2 schooling sessions.

Would you say he would be fit enough to hunt on this? He hasnt tired with me with any of the work i do with him, and hes clipped so doesn't sweat up, i realise none of this work is anywhere near the work required for hunting though.

Its a hunt with the readyfield, not a childs meet or anything, its not called an optional jumping day, but i have been told that any sizable fences will be optional(otherwise i wouldnt be going!!! :D)

I know there are plenty of people who hunt their horses with less work than my boy has, but I would hate to overdo it, so i just want honest opinions really!!

Sorry for it being so long!!


Well-Known Member
30 September 2008
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Take him and pull up if you think he is getting tired. I always find the first day out is a bit of a guessing game as to whether they are fit enough. He's bound to come back first time out looking a bit tucked up and "light", they all do, but I'm sure he will be fine. And it'll do amazing things for his fitness next time out !


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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My horse is probably of a similar level to yours fitness wise, maybe a bit fitter as he's hunted a few times. TBH I wouldn't take him with the readyfield as he is now.

I haven't been with the readyfield for a few years and it may have changed, but when I did go they do tend to gallop for a long way without breaks, it's bloody hard work!

If you do go then just do half a day, only thing with the bloodhounds is you can't really take it steady or you get left!

Just my opinion, you'd probably be fine but I personally wouldn't risk it. They need to be above event fitness for readyfield I reckon.. do you have a local fox hound pack you could go with?? I went with the four shires last year and they were a bit more steady away?


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Thankyou both for your replies, they're appreciated!

Yhanks SB, Ihad heard the Readyfield can be faster, but maybe I under estimated it. I definately won't be going if a horse should be above event fitness as mine certainly isn't.

I've never been with the readyfield before, I have been with the 4 Shires

I think I went on an unfortunate day with them, apparently one field master had a lame horse, another wasn't there for whatever reason, and the one that was left in charge was new. It was a very slow moving hunt, with far too much stop start,and then everytime there was a jump, all the people who were at the front didn't want to jump, making it impossible to get a decent run to any jump!

But as I said maybe I was just unfortunate with them, I know many people who have had a good time, maybe I should give them another go.

Does anyone know if the childrens meets for the readyfield are much lighter days? I'm assuming they are, and theres a few in Jan I could make :)


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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I'm no expert on 4 shires either, I went once last year, we were late, managed to chatch up half way when most people had packed in... it was great! But maybe we were lucky! :p

I would imagine the CM's are a lot steadier. :)

I hope I haven't put you off!!! I'm a bit cautious of the readyfield now because my old horse did a tendon with them and was never the same again, so I'm probably a bit biased.

Where abouts are you?


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Don't worry you haven't put me off, i wanted honest opinions!! :grin:

Horse is kept on the Notts/Derbys borders. Open to any suggestions of any other hunts to try, I've done one hunt with the cranwell as it was local to me(very nice people aswell may I add), and with 4 shires, but haven't really experiened many others :)


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7 August 2005
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Which Readyfield meet is it you are thinking of? Been to most of them over the years.... never had a problem with them tbh!

My horse isnt as fit as I would like, but I think depending on ground conditions we will be out this weekend at Edwinstowe....he is currently being worked about 4 times a week, one of those hacking, then a mixture of schooling, lunging and jumping. He was prob about PN/Nov eventing fit at the end of the eventing season, and had 4weeks off before being brought back in about 4 weeks ago. :)


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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I was thinking of the Edwinstowe one!Ground conditions permitting of course, if not shall be going SJ!

I've heard Edwinstowe has a lot of jumps, but any sizable ones will be optional, but I'm thinking of phoning up just to check! :) Can you give me any more info if you know about this one? Am I right in thinking this is the one with the water crossing?! I'm sure that will be freezing at this time of year!! :crazy:

KatB yours sounded fitter than mine over summer, but is now in very simular work to mine, and I'm sure there are many people out there who's horses will be much less fit than mine :) I'm sure he would be fine but I'm such a worrier! :p


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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It wasn't erm...the...erm...fastest hunt I've been on, with very minimal jumps!! :p

But as I said, I couldn't fault the people, very nice and welcoming, and kept any problems that may have arisen under control :)

But yes I am looking for a more 'forward' going one this year :)


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7 August 2005
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Edwinstowe is a great meet :) ALOT to jump, but yes there is always a way round (there is even on the non OJD) quite hilly in the woods, and hard work for them, and yes it is the one with the river crossing, but everything seems happy with it!! :grin: We did it last year, and it is quite hectic, but hopefully this year there will be less kids as its not the "child" meet. The beginning of the meet is the hairiest bit tbh, and ideally to have a good day you need to have your wits about you and be confident jumping 3ft of sometimes slightly trappy timber.

Alot of little fences in the woods too :) there is a drop timber fence into the "halfway" field which can be a bit hairy, but fine if you just kick on, a decent hedge type fence off a road verge, and a post and rail onto a steep verge across a lane, back up the verge and over another bit of timber.

My boy coped fine with it last year as a slightly dippy 5yr old, but he is quite bold XC :)


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17 May 2007
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TBH when I've been and there's been plenty of jumping they don't tend to go on for so long. I think they sometimes compensate there worse jumping days with lots of galloping!

I think apart from their few big days the jumps are'nt too big now...

i'm getting a bit jelous!! Think I'll get my os fit and have a day!!! ;) I really like the readyfield, it's great fun and they always have some food on afterwards.

I hope you enjoy it if you have decide to go! :)


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17 May 2007
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Kat do you know if they still have the meet from Coal Aston? If so when? and when are they having a meet from the kennels/Caunton?


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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Dont think they do from Coal Aston anymore.... Caunton is the their opeing meet and closing meet normally.....also Boxing day....Hedges at Caunton arent as good as they used to be :( Used to be take your own line.... now you have to queue!!!!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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:( Bummer!! :(

If I'm going to go I think I need a biggish day where you can take your own line, I'm sure i'll have little control! :p

Do they still go to *gasp* Great Dalby?? i think they used to go on a Wednesday? Have never been but mum and dad always say how scary but fun it was! ;)


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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They do the great dalby "area".... so yes imagine they still do the hedges there.... that day has been and gone though this season...goes from Widmerpool, Debbie Toppings place I believe....keep an eye on their website! Dates only upto Jan at the mo... :eek:)


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Thankyou guys, I think I'll be keeping an eye out for the weather forcast, and if all looks OK I think I'm going to give it a go!! :) Might see you there Katb!


Well-Known Member
12 January 2008
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We're supposed to be going on Sunday (subject to babysitters) I love edwinstowe but would say it's one of the faster ones they do. Lots of jumps, most pretty small, there are one or two that aren't optional, do be aware of that - not that they are big, but not last time but the time before my lad took exception to one and I was told in no uncertain terms to get him over or we'd have to be left (not unkindly though).


Well-Known Member
30 September 2008
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Note for Starbucks, the readyfield don't really do that many big days anymore esp. leics way. Think they really only do roughly 3, the rest are around Boxing day/New Year or North Notts way. Next one round leics way is Quenby which i think is usually Feb time, def. not for the faint hearted which is why i go on foot :O) Although Widmerpool got cancelled this year so maybe it might get tagged on another date later in the year.
Think with regards the Great Dalby meet. As Kat says, they hunt a little over that way from Smith's place but the actual Great Dalby meet hasn't been done for quite a few years. Can't remember why they finished it now, memory is rubbish.