How fit is fit enough?


Well-Known Member
6 October 2011
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I am hoping to do my first beginners hunt in 5 weeks time and was wondering whether I need to increase the workload to ensure my horse is fit enough......

Last week we did the following:
Monday - 1 hour schooling plus 30 mins on horsewalker
Tuesday - 2 hours on cross country course
Wednesday - 30 mins schooling and 30 mins on horsewalker
Thursday - 2.5 hour hack lots of canter / gallop work and 30 mins on horswalker
Friday - 45 min schooling and turnout
Saturday - 3.5 hour hack
Sunday - 1 hour schooling and 1 hour jumping

I don't want him to be too fit (I am new to hunting....he isn't!) but at the same time I don't want him to be so tired he will make mistakes.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
16 February 2011
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That sounds like loads to me, well done you! Does he have any T/O?
I am a hunt groom and all of ours have a 45 minute hack a day, they all hunt once a week, so they always have the following day off. We are in a big jumping country so they are always pretty tired. We are very lucky to have good hills for lots of slow trotting and lots of good slow canter tracks around us and that pays dividends. Just make sure you allow plenty of roughage in your feed and try to limit (where possible) the amount of concentrates you feed in the build up. Remember, you can come leave whenever you like, so long as you say good night to a master, so if he is tired (which I doubt he will be!) you can always turn for home. Becareful and have lots of fun, it truely is addictive!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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if he's managing all of that without getting too sweaty or tired then you'll be fine!

Ron hunts once or twice a week, has a short hack the day after, and is turned out minimum of 8hrs every day. He also gets another hack and an evening schooling lesson or a round of show jumping during the week. This is plenty for him, but we don't have big hedge country, we just have bogs and clay and other tiring things! :)

have fun, let us know how you get on and smile!


Well-Known Member
6 October 2011
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Thank you very much! that makes me feel better :)

He only gets turned out once a week, I would love if it was more but he jumps out his field and causes mischief, including playing in the local primary school so that is another reason why I try to ride every day....worry about him getting bored in the stable all day.

Will def let you know how I get on! :D


Well-Known Member
29 April 2008
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That sounds like loads to me, well done you! Does he have any T/O?
I am a hunt groom and all of ours have a 45 minute hack a day, they all hunt once a week, so they always have the following day off. We are in a big jumping country so they are always pretty tired. We are very lucky to have good hills for lots of slow trotting and lots of good slow canter tracks around us and that pays dividends. Just make sure you allow plenty of roughage in your feed and try to limit (where possible) the amount of concentrates you feed in the build up. Remember, you can come leave whenever you like, so long as you say good night to a master, so if he is tired (which I doubt he will be!) you can always turn for home. Becareful and have lots of fun, it truely is addictive!

Just thought I'd say what a lovely reply :)