How long is your dog left for?


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11 June 2008
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Interesting post...............I would not dare to say how long mine are left as would be branded as an unfit 'mummy', but they go out @ 4:40am every work morning for at least 3/4 miles ( 1hr ), up to the horses and again late evening for a long walk and evening stables. All 3 are very happy and sleep most of the day - how do we know? Well we set up a camera to watch them,walkers sometimes get the odd bark and the postman gets it pretty rough but apart from that - Zero!!

Just to add they are smallish dogs - Fox Terriers


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5 September 2006
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Most of the time, only 3 or 4 hours. Very occasionally 6 hours and once when there was a total disaster 7 hours.

He's always been asleep when I get home! ;)


Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
GinaB yo u have met my mutts and know where I live - my hours vary from day to day so they always have a walk in the morning - even if its 15/20 mins and again at the end of the day - although is a longer walk.:) Some days they are left for anything up to 10 hours - in the summer they have the run of the garden in the winter they stay inside - either way they do nothing but sleep all day - with maybe the odd bark at the postie:rolleyes::D and believe me I would know as the YO/farmer would tell me if they were barking all day:) When I lived in Birmingham my old spaniel and Sweep when I first got him were both left from 8 - 6 every day. Again the park was about 200 yards from me and they got walked first thing every morning and when I got home every night - it was about a 45 minute walk. At weekend I would take them to the country parks/home to mum and dads etc where they would get a big walk for a couple of hours. I have never had any issues with chewing, barking etc etc You have met Sweep and know how disturbed he is!:eek:D:D:D

Yes in an ideal world they wouldn't get left for that long but it becomes part of their routine - mine are definitely more knackered when I work from home and at weekends as they are constantly checking on me:rolleyes: I have to work and I live alone - I need to work to pay for them and I also need to know that they can be left with out worrying that x hours has passed - I get stuck in traffic/meeting over run etc thats life :eek:

Personally my dogs are happy and well adjusted - well for a spangle and a Lab;):D - and get excercised more than some of the village dogs where there is some one at home all day:eek: a lot get left in the garden for their excercise:rolleyes:

I think there needs to be a reality check with the care and welfare of dogs - no one wants to see them badly treated, not excercised etc but it is also equally possible to have well excercised, well cared for dog that is left for extended periods.

*dons tin hat and awaits flak*


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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mine get left for 3 hours every morning when i ride/muck out etc and they sleep.. i forgot something the other day and came back after 40 mins and they both hardly opened their eyes and if they could talk they would have said GO AWAY WE ARE SLEEPING!!! they go for a long walk when i get back from the horse, then eat and then sleeeeeeeeep... they come with me in the evening when i do the horse and have another walk,then home and eat and guess what??? sleeeep, they have a rough life!!!!!:D:D


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28 May 2011
isle of skye, scottish highlands
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dog walked for 45 mins in the morning. then out in her kennel and run at 8.30. we get in about 5 or 5.30 and she gets an average of an hour exercise- walk/ball play/beach/fishing up mountain lochs. (depending on weather and the time of year)

never stops at the weekend!

she survives just fine. ;) (3.5yr old american bulldog)


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27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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Interesting post...............I would not dare to say how long mine are left as would be branded as an unfit 'mummy', but they go out @ 4:40am every work morning for at least 3/4 miles ( 1hr ), up to the horses and again late evening for a long walk and evening stables. All 3 are very happy and sleep most of the day - how do we know? Well we set up a camera to watch them,walkers sometimes get the odd bark and the postman gets it pretty rough but apart from that - Zero!!

Just to add they are smallish dogs - Fox Terriers

Genuinely curious as to how long it is...feel free to PM if you prefer I won't judge you an unfit mummy!

I supposed if you have more than one it's different as obviously they do have compny.

SU - Sweep and Max are both fantastic little dogs :D I know they are your top priority :D Hopefully I'll get to see them again!


Well-Known Member
28 May 2011
isle of skye, scottish highlands
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* just to clarify.... this is not how we wanted to do things with Betty! when we got her it was only because she was able to be at my friends farm with her dogs all day.

this arrangement came to an end after about 9 months as she started bitch fighting with my friends dog. :(

she does not look for canine company... !


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28 November 2009
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Only the odd 3-5hrs now as i'm home more, but when we first adopted our greyhounds i worked full-time locally so they were left about 8hrs and i'd pop home in my lunch hour midway to take them out.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Working hours plus the commute three days a week, was five days a week up until the summer. I took the cut in hours to be at home more often.

Always someone here so pup gets a bone or Kong twice a day when I am away.
Walked or trained for at least an hour on either side.
That's when I am at home alone, when my mother is at home, much less than that, the pup will come in with her and B will get extra walks (he has helped her lose four stone).

I don't care if anyone decides to judge me, or make a sad face or tut, my dogs have a fab life, lots of trips, runs on the beach and the forest (just back in from a rainy walk, enviously eyeing the women going to spin class under a roof :p) and I can afford to care for them properly and training classes because I work and earn money.

I am in the position that the kennels they are in during the day, I can see from the house, and like others, when they are not with me they are either chewing a bone or asleep.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2011
isle of skye, scottish highlands
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to be honest... my dog might be alone for 8 hours a day... but she does more than many dogs that i am sure have company almost round the clock... but are rarely walked...

meerly being at home with them does not necessarily constitute a good life for a dog. :) ;)

(just playing devils advocate! :D)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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I am desperate for a dog (shhh, Don't tell Beastie ;)) but how long it would be left for is putting me off. OHs hours are so changeable so it really depends on what he is working. I am tempted to see about getting my working hours changed slightly as I could then be travelling at less peak times so not spending so long stuck in traffic! A transfer to another office would be good, but probably out of the question :( I wish I worked in the same town I live in as then it wouldn't be an issue as I'd be home at lunch to make sure dog is ok, let out for a while etc.

Until I can get work sorted I guess I will have to go without. I still have my bunnies and a rather odd little cat though :)


20 March 2007
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The longest I've left them is five hours. They are perfectly fine for that length of time but R is always desperate for a wee so I feel guilty if they have to go that long too often. :eek: In an average week they're left for four hours three times a week, then just an hour or two here or there.

When I have to find full time work next year I'll have to explore dog walker/daycare options. In an ideal world I'd have a really good kennel and exercise pen type set-up, safe for them to be out in unsupervised, and then I'd be happy to leave them for a full working day. They get enough stimulation either side for that to be acceptable.

This has only been since we had the two, despite all the training in the world D's separation anxiety was crippling and she used to come pretty much everywhere with me. Absolutely fine now she has company.


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30 May 2006
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Mine are walked from 7 to 7.45am then I head off to work at 8.15am then they are left with kongs. Dog walker arrives about 12 and walks them till 12.30 and leaves them with another stuffed Kong. They are then alone until I get home at 5pm. Then they get a 45 min walk by my OH while I do the horse.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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to be honest... my dog might be alone for 8 hours a day... but she does more than many dogs that i am sure have company almost round the clock... but are rarely walked...

meerly being at home with them does not necessarily constitute a good life for a dog. :) ;)

(just playing devils advocate! :D)

Tsk tsk, I don't know why some people bother having dogs :rolleyes:

Just thought I would say that before someone else does :p


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27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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There is a dog walker in the town I live in that walks your dog for an hour, I think it works out at a fiver a day, which isn't a lot but how do you know you can trust them?


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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Genuinely curious as to how long it is...feel free to PM if you prefer I won't judge you an unfit mummy!

I supposed if you have more than one it's different as obviously they do have compny.

SU - Sweep and Max are both fantastic little dogs :D I know they are your top priority :D Hopefully I'll get to see them again!

I don't feel so bad now after reading other posts, but 10hrs ish M-F if I am not working from home and never on a weekend as they tag along!

They just sleep lots...............


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4 September 2011
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Personally i dont think dogs being left alone for 8ish hours is a problem, as long as they have generous excercise before & after.

I hate seeing dogs cooped up in the house all day & all night even when there owners are there with them all the time.
What sort of life is it to be stuck in the same old 4 walls constantly. I dont think thats a quality of life at all tbh, okay they arent suffering physically but surely this would drive you mad??

Fortunatly my & my partner can cater for my VERY hyper border collie!

On week days he will have 40mins in the morning, 20mins at lunch time, and anything between 1-3 hours late afternoon/evening.

Weekends i try & make sure he is out with us as much as poss, maybe 1-2 hours alone whilst i ride or go out on the evening.

I do feel im a bit obsessive about it somtimes, i get very panicky if i think i wont be able to make it home for him. :eek:


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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My dogs are left no longer than 4hrs, have always worked locally and have been able to come home at lunch time.

Some good friends of mine have a rescue greyhound who is left from 8-5 considering where she came from she now lives in the lap of luxury. This dog sleeps all day and it dosnt bother her as she has a good walk first thing and when they come home from work.

I think being left alone for a long time works for some breeds of dogs and also older dogs, it wouldnt work for my dogs, I doubt I would have much to come home to.

I know a lot of rescues are very fussy about dogs being left alone for any length of time but keep their dogs in kennels which is very stressful for a lot of dogs. In my opinion these dogs would be better off in homes where they might be left longer than ideal but would be better for the dog.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Not long at all. Mother has them if I don't take them to work with me. Bless her socks as she also gets my brothers when he doesn't take his as well! To be honest I would have no qualms about leaving them at home for anything up to 10 hours if I had to as I don't think it would bother any of them one bit! I am just lucky that I can take them into work with me or drop them off etc and obviously I feel more comfortable knowing that they are with someone.

One of mine now has adopted my old bedroom at Mums (its now known as her bedroom) and she goes up there and under the douvet as soon as I drop her off and she doesn't move until I come to pick her up and then its bit of a struggle!

They don't get set walks per say when we get home they can choose if they want to go hunting in the paddocks or have a quiet evening in and we will take them out with us if we go out (unless they would have to stay in the car and its hot). A walk could be a quick 10 minutes or a 5 hour hike.

Now waiting to get shot down for not having a regular walking plan!!!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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I'm not sure CC, I would want references and proof that the dog is actually taken out as an hour would really break up its day. Even doggy day care would be considered.

I'd love a whippet, I've heard they're very laid back but I own rabbits so a sighthound wouldn't be the way forward ;)

Any dog would have short walk in the morning and at least an hour in the evenings. Weekends it would go everywhere if possible!


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14 March 2007
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we both work full time (9-5) but we come home for lunch most days or one of the "grans" will let them out for the loo and for feeding. Not sure they are overly botherd about us coming home, if it is wet the JRT refuses to go out anyway! they spend most of the lunch time asleep on the sofa in the lounge before going back to bed in their room (was the dining room). They always get a walk first thing 45 minutes to 1hr and usually a longer walk in the evening / training or come out and about with us (to the pub!)

They are very chilled out dogs so i think that helps and they settle really quickly in the house. I look after friends dogs sometimes and they spend the time bouning round the house and ours look at them like they are nuts! Outside the house they are very energetic and will walk much further than i can manage (12 mile charity walks are nothing for them!!)


Well-Known Member
29 April 2007
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Mine is left 7.30 til 5 for a couple of days a week, 11 til 4ish the rest of the time as OH works funny shifts. When I first got him we both worked full time hours.

In contrast my "work dogs" in rescue get 20 mins in an exercise pen in the am and a 20 min walk in the afternoon. There is no other human contact bar chucking food in twice a day. If I was a dog I know which life I'd choose!


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17 November 2011
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My dogs are fond of play and running and also my best pet Shoan dig the mud with his hands and still do that now I think his arms are so strong to fight. and i knew it is.


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12 July 2009
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My collies day...

6.30 am - wizz around the block with daddy dog before he goes to work. Play 2 lab friends while daddy dog chats to labs owners about golf, boilers and the weather!!

7.00 - get back in to bed with mummy dog for a 10 min cuddle

7.30 - go for a 2 field walk with mummy dog and play with best mate (Springer) and a terrier we sometimes meet

8.30 - when everyone has gone eat Kong and go to sleep on the sofa upside down while listening to radio 2

12.30 - lunch time 2 field walk with mummy dog meeting various dogs on the will all those who don't bite!!

1.15 - when everyone has gone eat Kong and go to sleep on the sofa upside down while listening to radio 2

5pm - Daddy dog is home so in to the garden and wait until mummy dog is home

5.30 - Mummy & daddy dog walk for 3 miles (ohh my aching paws!!) playing with whoever we find along the way while they talk about their day at what they call "work"

7.30 - tea, play with mummy dog and pulley toy

8.15 - play ball with daddy dog

9 - watch TV

10 - bed...of course racing up the stairs first to get the best spot on the bed

It's a hard life!!!

In all my dog is left for approx 4 hours in the orning and 4 hours in the afternoon.