How long would you leave a horse with a loaner?


Well-Known Member
30 April 2007
Beds / Bucks borders
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If you had loaned your horse out, and the loaner had let you know that they wanted to return the horse, how long would you leave it before picking up your horse (assuming there is a standard BHS contract in place, with one month's notice either side)?

Am i just being paranoid in thinking that I'd want to fetch my horse home as soon as possible, or would most people think it OK to leave the horse in situ for several weeks? I realise that obviously, you have to arrange a livery place etc for the horse if you don't have your own land, and they can be a bit awkward to find in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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I would be the same as you... if someone said they would like to give my horse back, then as soon as i had accomodation sorted, i would take it back :)


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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same as asap, i did my loan horse as soon as loanee decided to give her up, i got a transporter to go collect her.
Loan home was fab, but i think once a decision has been made that they no longer want the horse, they dont really want to look after them for another month so get the horse home


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Depends on the sort of relationship I had with the loaner.
If it was on good terms and I trusted them then I wouldn't be in a massive rush and would expect them to deliver the horse at a mutually convenient time.
If I didn't trust them I'd be on their doorstep with my trailer as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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I recently had a horse on loan, was supposed to be a long term loan but we soon realised he wasnt going to be capable of working to the level I wanted him to so I gave a month's notice which was the agreed term in our contract. The owners picked him up exactly one month later! They knew though he was looked after really well with me and I think were putting off moment of having to decide what to do with him! Go with your gut instinct - if you think your horse may be neglected in anyway get him/her home pronto!!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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but i think once a decision has been made that they no longer want the horse, they dont really want to look after them for another month so get the horse home

Not always the case- several years ago I had an absolutely gorgeous pony on loan. Loved her to bits! My parents had decided that as I was starting GCSE year that I needed to concentrate on school (worked for GCSE's but then without a horsey distraction I discovered the pub and consequently A-level results weren't the best! :eek: Take heed all parents out there who are thinking of doing the same! Horses are, without doubt, the lesser of two evils! ;)) so gave notice to the owner. My parents were happy to keep up the expense and I was more than happy to carry on looking after her for the notice period and even beyond if no stable was available or other loaner was available after the month.

I think a responsible owner will endevour to give notice and be in a position to still care for the horse during the notice period.

Can understand why an owner would be keen to have them back though!