How many of you have.....


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
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Hi, just wondering how many of you guys have rescued an animal? either one that has been mistreated or one that has been sentanced to death. Any rescue case really.
I have rescued 15.2 tb that was going to be pts as the rescue centre he was at was closing down, and nobody would take him on.
12.3 pony that was about to be loaded on to the meat wagon.
four month old foal that was heading for Derby auctions that would have ended up god knows where.
Numerous wild animals that have been injured or orphaned, too many to remember.
im sure theres more but just cant think of them at the moment.
I would just like to say that none of the horses mentioned above have been sold on, i still own them and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives.
Debs x


Well-Known Member
24 February 2006
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I rescued a little wild bunny from a cats mouth when he was tiny baby, a week old has him for four years...which i think is quite long for wild rabbits...he was adorable...but too tame to put back in the wild like i hoped (well not rwally but ...


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4 May 2006
South Hants
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My cat Dizzy, found him in garden he was about 4 mnths old sooo skinny soooo many fleas! Took him to my local vets who said the fleas would of killed him maybe in another 2-3 weeks! They took him in for 7 days ( by law) then were going to send him to RSPCA shelter if nobody claimed him ( they didnt) We ended up with him, vets nuetred him half price at 6 months gave us bed and frontline plus wormed him!
He is now about 5 years old and a lovely cat! Also adopted another cat, Travis from RSPCA 6 years ago!


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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A dog who had gone on hunger strike at the rescue kennels - she could not cope with life there. A little pony who was very sharp, NOT mother's dream and had run out of options when the local riding school shut. Another pony I did pay for but got very cheap because they wanted a good home for him after he had been abused by a previous owner and they got os far with him and could get no further. Oh and another dog who was the runt of the litter and was facing an untimely end as well! Soft touch? Moi?


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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My dog a border collie who came from rescue kennels after someone tried to drown him and beat him.One of my cats who as a kitten was acquired by us after the ladies hubby threatened to drown it if they couldn't rehome it.Another cat we have who lived with a family member whose other cats terrorised it and previously another collie who was abandoned and dumped on the streets from the rspca.Sadly she died of cancer.All the others I still have with me now. I have also taken in numerous animals who have been found straying until new homes could be found for them.I got a bit of a reputation for taking in strays so I had to stop as I just don't have the time or money to keep them all.


Well-Known Member
13 September 2006
Our riding friend Sylvie and her husband rescued a half draft mare from a rather arrogant owner near Dijon who didn't care two hoots for her condition. She was just skin and bones when they collected her (no help given to load the poor beast onto the transport). Now 4 years later she's a completely different animal in fine health, and is a very satisfying "round " shape!
Good for them !!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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Birds myy cats got hold of (god knows how many but a fair few back to health and out in wild again) and a GSD.
Poor fellow had been passed from home to home ,behaviour getting worse and worse which ment he was getting hit harder and harder( seems to be how you deal with a GSD
) and was by eight months a really nasty chap.
Given 6 months of TLC he was still nervous outside/around strangers (and was untill the day he died) but was soooooooo happy at home with us.
Can in all hinesty say if he hadnt landed on our laps he would have continued going downhill ending in being PTS as a dangerous dog.


Well-Known Member
27 May 2004
West Country
Depends what you mean by 'rescued'!

Twice now I have 'rescued' horses from water.... One was a big heavy in foal coloured mare that was stuck in the river bed that had flooded. I was out hacking and saw just a little white bit of face sticking up through the swell. I raised the alarm and went down and pushed some branches under her nose to keep it out of the water so that she could breathe. The rest of her was completely submerged. It was February and freezing cold. The fire brigade and the local farmers with their tractors got her out, she made a full recovery and foaled about 6 weeks later.

The 2nd was a TB gelding that fell into a stream during another flood. The flow was so fast he was carried about 150 yards down stream. Owner was panicking and not very helpful so I sent her off to get help. Again, managed to wedge some branches under him and I had to get in up to my chest to keep him above water. It was January and freezing! We got him out too and bar shock, a chill and a bit of colic, he made a full recovery.

Motto? Don't live by a river or stream!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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WOW!! You are a saint!! My family rescued one of our dogs from a family with about 9 other dogs and he couldnt get on with them-has had no end of trouble with his legs and arthiritis but pleased to say he's 14 and doing VERY WELL!!! My best mate rescued Faith-grey 12.2 pony from college where she was being used for grooming demo's and all she wanted to do was be ridden again!! shes 20 odd and was told a few years back that she would never be ridden again!! But I rode her a bit last night and have to say she was great fun!!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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We have 'rescued' many animals over the years, not surprising really being married to a vet, so have had the whole collection I reckon - everything from lab bred rodents to an ancient, matted up to the eyeballs Rough Collie to a 3-legged cat!
Cat had been hit by a car months previously, owners did nothing about the resulting nerve damage & RSPCA finally got involved when poor cat was seen dragging what remained of his limp & useless leg along the ground! (Not a pretty sight at that stage, as you can imagine!)
Amputation was the only option by then & our young children took great delight in proudly telling passers-by who stopped to admire him (a great strapping ginger brute of a thing with a gloriously confident & amenable demeanour!) how '... my Daddy chopped his leg off!'

Oh & Small White One of course, the pony nobody wanted!


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1 July 2005
New Forest, Hampshire
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We rescued a pony that had been bought at the NF Pony Sales and the new owner (most likely the meat man!) had left without him, so we took him home. He was an ungrateful git though and a real pain but he was all right in the end. He went on to a new home some years ago.

My sister also rescued a pony that had been starved by our yard owner!


Well-Known Member
18 July 2005
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YUP my cat Stella. Rescued him 3 years ago from the school playing field he was in a cardbpard box with 5 other kittens which were all too young to have left mum. All my friends took one home and i brought Stella home in a paper box! He's now just 3 and everyone in my family lays claim to him but he's really my cat
he comes up the fields to help me put the horses out, just to check im ok


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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I was begged to take an ex race horse that was otherwise going to be put down. I eventually caved in and had him for six months, all that was wrong was a bowed tendon. The owners didnt want to pay for box rest and considered it cheaper to do the dirty. He was a lovely horse and all that was needed was turnout. I found him an owner and asked for a token price of £500 which covered my expenses.

To date he is doing really well as a hack. Since then I have been offered numerous ex racehorses and due to emotional attachment and not wanting to collect horses I have turned the offers down.

I am happy with helping one, but hopefully people out there will take them in. It cost anywhere from £400 upwards to keep one that is no good at its current yard and so many non-horsey owners just want rid, its really sad.