How much for a blanket clip ?


Well-Known Member
3 November 2010
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My horse is already sporting a low irish clip, but I'd like to him to have a blanket clip. I did the first clip myself but don't trust myself to do an even blanket :eek:

Any ideas on how much I should expect to pay for a blanket ?



Active Member
21 November 2011
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If it's any help I charge £40 for a blanket as although not as much hair removal as a hunter but takes just as long.

If you want to have a go at a blanket clip and your not too sure about lines then
1) design your clip on a horse outline on paper first so that you have a plan to work to.
2) mark your lines out - do you leg lines first so that they can be clean and sharp.
3) use saddle soap or a liquid chalk pen to put dots on where you want your lines.
4) always clip lower to start with - you can always take more off but you cant stick it back on !!
your long lines along the body get two helpers to hold a line up , a washing line works well. and then you can draw along the line.
5) Don't panic too much if your lines are not quite level at your first attempt, afterall you can only see one side of the horse at any one time !

Give it a whirl !