How much of a market is there for horses sitting in Hants/Dorset


Well-Known Member
2 June 2006
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Hi I am an equine degree student and I do a little bit of horse sitting to help pay the vets bills!!!! Just trying to guage how many people would use a horse sitter if they could find one? Esp over the xmas period. Also how much do you think its worth - have heard of someone paying £125 per day over xmas!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Not in your area, but I am going away at Xmas for 16 nights and am having house/animal sitters for that period. They are a young couple and are not charging anything, they are pleased to have a house to themselves for a bit. The girl rides one of my horses for free, I pay all the bills and do the daily work. In exchange when I want to go away, I can leave things for her in total confidence.

My horsey neighbours have a similar arrangment with another local person when they go away.

I suspect you will find that not many horsey folkes need to hire house sitters as they know everyone around and can come up with an arrangment.

Years back, my local kennels, would take my dogs and their daughter would do my horses. I used to pay her £10.00 a day which she was happy with. When she did it over xmas for three days, I paid her £50.00.