Horse servant
As title. In your opinion, how much weight can such a pony carry? He's 8 years old fit and nicely covered but not fat. Thanks.
Hi everyone, was just wondering if anyone knew if it was okay to ride a 4yr old 14hh cob when 14 stone? Thanks x
Owner is very well balanced, but I would guess is around 14 stone or a bit more. Pony looks to be struggling especially in canter with rider but not on the lunge. Under saddle, he sort of trots with his hind legs rather than cantering properly but doesn't do it on the lunge. He's a very strong pony that I thought would be up to that weight but maybe not. However, I have seen other horses do this and they have very light riders. Owner has been complaining he doesn't feel right for months and should she get vet. I am inclined to say that as he isn't struggling on the lunge, that either he doesn't have a problem or that it is his back. May get on him myself and see how he is. (I'm just under ten stone). Owner has another 14.2 hh cob that seems fine with her weight. Thanks.
Im 11 stone and my 15.1 arab x copes with me fine but I am hesitating about keeping my baby gipsy cob cos think he will only make 14.1hh tops and wasn't sure that he would cope with me. Looking at this thread perhaps he will, but I would want someone much lighter to back him, and then I would still feel that I shouldn't do more than light hacking on him, even when mature.
My 14.2hh cob 450 kilo carrys boyfriend who is 13 stone with no problem.
Traditional cobs have been bred to pull carts in a lot of cases so extremely strong.
My cob is about 14.1 and pretty chunky. I am 5'9" and about 13.5 stone. He carries me easily. We can hack for 3 hours with lots of hillwork and he just keeps stomping onwards. He is 12 years old. Here is a pic of us both for you to compare