How much would it cost? and question


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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We have a small, stone turnout paddock. It has no shelter, a hedge along one side( generally not where the wind is coming from) and is post and rail fenced. I have often thought if we could rig up some sort of shelter it would be better. Is there any way we could cover half of it? It is aboutt the size of a dressage arena.
I had thought of digging in posts (large ones! timbers more like it..) and using something over the top?
tOr a field shelter I suppose... but wouldn't be much room I don't think, and can be anything up to 4/5 horses out.

Which lead onto my question.
Last year we turned out the 2 horses in the sandschool and 2/3 ponies in this turnout paddock. This year not keen on using the sandschool (has no shelter either) so possibly considering putting all out in the turnout paddock? Not sure it's big enough though... They will have a large bale of hay.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Don't see any reason why you couldn't keep 4 horses in there so long as they are being exercised daily and providing they all get on well.

No idea about costings for building a shelter - you'll have to price that out yourself.


Active Member

Not necessarily a cheap option but we bought a field shelter from a guy called Graham Pluess, they come flat packed and you erect them yourself. Can be bought with a proper stable door front which is removable.

I think it cost about 1.8k inc delivery, but it is on skids so can be towed to different locations OR disembled if you have to move.

We have found ours to be really useful, no planning necessary as we didn't put down a base for it to stand on
