How often do you exercise?


22 March 2009
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Well I am injured, had an op last Weds, and previous to that haven't been riding for 10 weeks!

I have been experimenting with the amount my ned is ridden, so he is kept ticking over, and I don't get bankrupt!

4 times a week was too many for him at the level he is worked by the pro - he just got too fit!

Now he is being ridden twice a week, one school and one hack, and I think he might be bored. he gets about 6 or 7 hours a day turnout, but apparently he has worn a track up and down the fence line. He has another horse in the adjacent field, and is always chilled out every time people check on him. Don't know when or why he is doing it! He is still well mannered and happy in the stable too. Maybe he just wants to come in now the weather is getting bad? He has a lovely field shelter...

weird eh? Any ideas?