just wondered how often people tended to go and whether you go standard hunting or drag hunting? wondering if going out 4 times in december is too much??
I am lucky enough to hunt every Tuesday plus occasional Sats if OH at home to baby sit! 4 times a month sounds fine if the horse is fit enough and you can afford it. I only have one horse for this season but have another coming on who will be out next season too, so will spread the work load.
Received wisdom is that you should limit yourself to 3 days a fortnight. Obviously it should depend on what sort of a day you have - is there lots of galloping in heavy plough or have you just stood around in a large covert? For myself I watch my boy's weight and when the girth is starting to use too many holes, I give him a Wednesday off.
I tend to do every other Tues but that is second horse-ing. Some of our horses go out every week some twice a week occasionally.
I don't think 4 times in a month is too much if your horse is fit enough. This is standard hunting.