Well-Known Member
Just curious really! As i have nothing to gauge mickey's spookiness against!
My horse spooks all the time! When he was sold to me was described as a little spooky when out hacking alone, but not any other time...however this has proved quite far from the truth, bless him he's the scarediest horse i've ever known. He's an 18 yo TBXWB, i know he's a flightly breed but i thought by his age he would know better! I've had him 4 months and pretty sure i haven't had a single day where he hasn't spooked at something.
His spooks consist of either jumping in the air, swerving sideways, crabbing sideways (as in like jumping his whole body 3 feet sideways), refusing to go forward/turn & walking backwards, spinning 360, spinning 360 & then cantering away, or just lurching forwards into canter from say halt or walk
. Also curving his whole body and leg yielding around stuff, which is quite cute
He espec. hates noises, like lawn mowers, bangs of feed buckets, etc, and doesn't like leaves/sticks/horse poo in road/and all the usual stuff eg crisp packets etc. 
He is very spooky out hacking alone (to the point where i won't hack him alone anymore as i'm not that experienced and can't always control them). He is also a bit spooky hacking in company, espec. in front (i once counted 40 major spooks on a hack, including 3 spin & canters) although he's normally good as gold behind
And then he can be quite spooky in the school, we have trees down 1 side, and all the jumps & poles etc in another corner, etc.
Now, Micks is my first horse and as i'm quite a novice at these things, I would label him as very spooky...however he hasn't ever bucked or reared, and i don't know how much a normal horse would spook, as before i got him I was at a riding school, where all their horses are pretty much spook proof!
Soo, how much does your horse spook?
My horse spooks all the time! When he was sold to me was described as a little spooky when out hacking alone, but not any other time...however this has proved quite far from the truth, bless him he's the scarediest horse i've ever known. He's an 18 yo TBXWB, i know he's a flightly breed but i thought by his age he would know better! I've had him 4 months and pretty sure i haven't had a single day where he hasn't spooked at something.
His spooks consist of either jumping in the air, swerving sideways, crabbing sideways (as in like jumping his whole body 3 feet sideways), refusing to go forward/turn & walking backwards, spinning 360, spinning 360 & then cantering away, or just lurching forwards into canter from say halt or walk
He is very spooky out hacking alone (to the point where i won't hack him alone anymore as i'm not that experienced and can't always control them). He is also a bit spooky hacking in company, espec. in front (i once counted 40 major spooks on a hack, including 3 spin & canters) although he's normally good as gold behind
Now, Micks is my first horse and as i'm quite a novice at these things, I would label him as very spooky...however he hasn't ever bucked or reared, and i don't know how much a normal horse would spook, as before i got him I was at a riding school, where all their horses are pretty much spook proof!
Soo, how much does your horse spook?