How sad am I!! - But very happy!


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2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Was up clipping my mates other horse today, and again got to ride him afterwards, on the condition that I cantered him. So I gatve it a go. First horse since Beau I have ridden properly! And boy do I ach as 2nd time on a horse since Aug and at 45 immns of walk/trot/canter I thinks me knees are about to give out (could also be cos missed the bus home as HAD to sweep yard - cant leave it dirty- and so walked for 30 mins to save sitting int he cold). It is all worth it though as I noticed that as I squeezed the beastie into canter, I wasn't pooping myself, I didnt feel like I was going to fall off, and I didnt mess it up!!!
I am soooo happy!! I always thougt that my weight definately affected my riding, and I was right. I dont feel like I am sitting on a load of fat and am so much more secure

So had a happy but very sore day!!!! Just the icing on me good weekend of Being asked out 5 tiomes last night (by polite SOBER men!!) and being known as the " hot girl with the food" on the walk home
. Too bad im another year older on Friday
, at least 2 1/2 months till the beastie is back


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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I had not played competitive polo in a year - ended up in the Harvard Yale game - could not walk for 3 days....... In some ways it feels nice though, you know you worked......