Well-Known Member
my boy is a 16.1 medium weight TB - I have had him for a year now. When I first bought him he had no condition and resembled a hat rack with a huge belly. I managed to get condition back on him and lots of people have said he has changed shape and looks good - however, I am now paranoid that he will lose weight again. A lot of people tend to go on belly size and his is quite impressive, but it hangs low a bit and I can just see his ribs. I tend to go more on his bum to ascertain whether he is losing any condition or not as big bellies can be bloatedness. But if I refer to one of those condition charts his bum looks like it fits in the borderline good/poor category. Its all really confusing - if I ask anyone at the yard they just seem to be obsessed with belly size - I think I read somewhere that TB's bums are not supposed to be as rounded as other breeds so where it may appear to be a poor it is actually a good.
at the moment he is out 24/7 - and he is a total pig when it comes to food - he gets a small feed everyday for his vitamins and maybe a bot of hay if he has to stand in for half and hour or so. He was starving when I got him and obviously had digestive problems which I sorted out with global herbs stuff. I think I just need reassurance that he is okay.
so, what is a typical TB's condition supposed to look like???
at the moment he is out 24/7 - and he is a total pig when it comes to food - he gets a small feed everyday for his vitamins and maybe a bot of hay if he has to stand in for half and hour or so. He was starving when I got him and obviously had digestive problems which I sorted out with global herbs stuff. I think I just need reassurance that he is okay.
so, what is a typical TB's condition supposed to look like???